Friday, December 21, 2012

Senator Boxer on the NRA, Gun Violence, and School Safety

Posted:  21 Dec 12

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 4:49 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote:
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US  Senator Barbara Boxer
News  from Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
December 21, 2012
Dear Friend:

Today the head of the National Rifle Association blamed everyone except his own organization for gun violence in America and showed himself to be completely out of touch by ignoring the proliferation of weapons of war on our streets.

The NRA is now calling for stronger security at our schools. They should endorse my bills to fund security upgrades for schools and trained law enforcement personnel to protect our kids.  To read more about my legislation, please click here.

In the days ahead, I will work for a comprehensive strategy that includes sensible gun laws, a focus on mental health, and school safety.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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