Monday, May 21, 2012

Senator Boxer: Supporting Local Afterschool Programs

US  Senator Barbara Boxer
News from  Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
May 21, 2012
Dear Friend:

I recently had the pleasure of joining “Hercules” (actor Kevin Sorbo) and other education activists at the Afterschool Alliance’s Breakfast of Champions, an annual event to build support in Congress for continued federal investment in afterschool programs across the country.  To see photos of this event, please click here.  To read about the Afterschool Alliance, click here.

The Afterschool Alliance strongly supports the Afterschool for America’s Children Act (AACA), my bipartisan bill targeting federal investment in programs that improve children’s academic performance, keep them safe while their parents are at work, and give them access to physical education, arts, music and other activities that are increasingly cut from the school day.

Count on me to keep working to pass this important bill and ensure strong federal support for afterschool programs that serve working families and keep children learning after the school bell rings.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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Tag: "US Congress - California Delegation"

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