In a community in need of affordable medical care, where the numbers of uninsured are great, one free clinic hit its first anniversary recently and is going strong.
1.  The RotaCare Pittsburg Free Medical Clinic opened in February 2011 and has handled more than 900 patient visits since then, with a focus on urgent, short-term medical needs, spokeswoman Barbara Hunt said.
2.  Ninety-nine percent of those patients' incomes fall under twice the federal poverty level, Hunt said. That may sound like people who are doing pretty well, but the level for a person living alone is currently just over $11,000, and about $23,000 for a family of four. Even pulling in twice that amount leaves no real income to spend on health insurance, Hunt said, and the need for cheap or free medical care in East Contra Costa is huge.
3.  The clinic -- a partnership between the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Rotary organizations -- is at 2210 Gladstone Drive, in a quiet block lined with buildings offering similar services, often on a sliding scale, but not much for free. The difference between cheap and free can be huge.
4.  "For many of our clients, spending anything, even a small amount, can be very difficult," Hunt said. "So we do everything we can."
5.  The clinic's main service is providing urgent, short-term medical care, she said. There aren't enough staffing or resources to provide ongoing care of chronic problems, and people with serious emergencies -- chest pains, bleeding, broken bones -- are sent to the hospital.
6.  The clinic's services fall somewhere in-between: They diagnose many chronic conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes; perform lab tests such as ultrasounds, EKG heart exams and X-rays; prescribe and dispense about 85 medications; and while they don't perform any surgeries themselves, they've partnered with their sister organization, Operation Access, to get surgeries for 26 people already, Hunt said.
"One woman who came to us ended up having 37 gall stones removed," Hunt said.
7.  One of the clinic's recent patients was Antioch resident Marcus Turner, 46, a warehouse worker who said he's been unable to work since his left knee suddenly swelled up "like a big red ball."
"It's real scary," Turner said. "I'm trying to see what I can do."
Sitting with his oldest daughter and his grandchildren as he waited, Turner said he'd come to the clinic for a second visit, to see the results of his X-rays. "They're all worried about me," he said, gesturing to his family. "Without this, I don't know what I would do."
8.  Another patient was Altagracia Hernandez, who said she's been unable to afford insurance since her husband retired three years ago, adding that she still must wait two years until she can access Medicare. She said she hoped to get help with a rash on her eye and some problems she worried she may have in her gall bladder.
Speaking through a translator, she said, "I used to go to Mexico when I had to see a doctor. But I feel very comfortable here. The volunteers are very friendly, and help with the medicine I need."
9.  While Hunt said the clinic is proud of the work it's done so far, big challenges remain. According to a report filed with the county administrator in September, there are 154,000 uninsured people living in Contra Costa.
10.  A quarter of those don't seek medical care unless an emergency occurs, Hunt said, and emergency room visits cost an average of $700; a visit to the clinic averages about $100, which the clinic, not the patient, pays.
11.  The clinic's budget for the 2011/2012 fiscal year was $106,000, Hunt said, of which Kaiser Permanente funded $40,000 and various local Rotary Clubs funded $31,000, with the rest coming in smaller chunks from various organizations.
12.  Funding is always hard work, but the real need right now is for more volunteers, Hunt said. Though the posted hours for making appointments is 1 to 4 p.m., she said, the clinic is usually booked up within an hour of the phones opening, and anyone calling or arriving after that must be turned away.
13.  The clinic staffs about 15 to 20 volunteers each week but needs many more -- recruiters are seeking doctors, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and translators.
Ron Grady, a retired pharmacist who's volunteered at the clinic since it opened, said with wide smile how rewarding he's found serving the clinic's patients.
"What I hear time and time again is, 'God bless you,' 'Thank you.' How could I not come?" he said.
14.  Anyone interested in volunteering can call 925-439-2009 or email the clinic administrator at
15.  The clinic is only open Wednesdays. Anyone needing to schedule an appointment can call the same number between 1 and 4 p.m. for appointments between 4 and 7 p.m. on those days.
Contact Sean Maher at 925-779-7189. Follow him on Twitter at @OneSeanMaher.
Tags: "Health, Health Clinics"