Sunday, May 6, 2012


Contra Costa 350 Home & Garden Challenge
Dear Friends,

Stand up and be counted in the 350 Home & Garden Challenge - the goal is to get 350 Actions throughout Contra Costa registered by this Sunday, May 13th to grow food, save water, conserve energy, and build Contra Costa stronger, healthier, cleaner, and more resilient! 

What will your Actions be? If you need ideas, Sustainable Contra Costa's Action Guides give you steps, rebates, incentives and local resources to help you get those projects done that you've been meaning to do for years. 

For Mother's Day, don't buy flowers for Mom, plant some for her instead! Whether you create an herb garden, grow more vegetables, upgrade to efficient appliances, turn your thirsty lawn into a water-sipping landscape, or pledge to use reusable bags, containers, and cups - every action will be counted.   

Register your garden project and get a free yard of mulch from EcoMulch and 20% off plant materials from Mt. Diablo Nursery & Garden!
Take heart, take action

Need Ideas?  These Action Guides will give you the steps, incentives, and local resources to help you get those projects done you've meaning to do for years....

Help Spread the Word - 350 Challenge Flyer
Become a Sponsor - SPONSORSHIP information

Actions Big and Small - We Want Them All!

Sustainable Contra Costa is grateful for the guidance and generosity of Trathen Heckman and Daily Acts
in helping us bring the 350 Home & Garden Challenge to Contra Costa!

Tag:  "Community Sustainability"

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