Sunday, May 13, 2012


The Case in Point
A Pittsburg FaceBook friend brought the following clip to my attention, triggering this fact-checking investigation:

Purposes of this Fact-Check Report
  • To address a long-circulating and alarming truth-claim and help place it into perspective with reliable information.
  • This also helps to define, develop, and test more features and functions for this City-Journal, to better serve the community.
Since the quality and impact of our decisions and subsequent actions depend heavily on the information which influences them, it is worthwhile to try to discover truth-values -- especially on matters of significant potential impact on the actions and peace of mind of the community.
  • According to Snopes.Com (a leading fact-checking site), this case-in-point came to public attention in 2007, and has been circulating, via emails and FaceBook, ever since.  Here's their analysis, which cites evidence which refutes the idea that drug dealers are targeting children with the coloring.  
  • Another leading fact-checker, also considers the claims exaggerated.  
  • However, this matter alarmed Senators Feinstein and Grassley enough for them to introduce legislation, in 2007, to deal with the threat.
  • Analysts have found elements of both truth and fiction present.  However, it's hard to predict future impacts of this public discussion on criminal behavior.  
  • It seems reasonable to presume that even if this were not a present criminal strategy, there is nothing to say that it won't become so.  The whole idea of this could be easily turned into a reality.  
  • The idea might even become more prone to being realized, since it can now serve as a convenient suggestion for criminal action.  Also, since it has been publicly refuted, it may NOW be a usefully confusing cover for exploitation.
  • Our public enemies are extremely industrious and callous in their efforts to enrich themselves by poisoning the less sophisticated among us -- and damaging human destiny, by destroying as many souls as they can.  
  • This whole case helps elevate the awareness of a harmful drug and its potential for camouflaged delivery.
  • The stakes are high -- and forewarned is  forearmed .
  • You'll have to ultimately decide on the relevance of this matter -- but appropriate warnings to children and adult vigilance seem in order.

Tag:  "Dangerous Drugs," "Hoaxes"

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