Wednesday, May 9, 2012


To give citizens, involved in non-profit public-service causes, another convenient way to make their organizations and activities more widely known,  -- conveniently, and on a consistent basis.

If you are announcing a small "for profit" business start-up, please do so at this other blog-link -- but please, no "for-profit" advertising here (got to keep things as simple as possible -- for confusion and time-waste are not in the public interest).

This is another informational "accumulator" service for our territory.
  • You are invited to make appropriate comments below.  [Note:  Anyone is welcome to make relevant comments on all posted blog-messages that offer this feature within this blog]
  • Please include any web-links, as desired, to be placed here and/or in other suitable places within the evolving parent system for this blog.  
  • Please be concise and link the details elsewhere -- unless you have no place else, yet.  If you need to be more detailed, it's okay, I'll summarize and try to move your details to a more suitable home.
  • It would be most helpful and EFFECTIVE if you would just BRIEFLY: (1) state your category of business (if possible); (2) a brief statement of mission/prime function; (3) your contact information, and (4) very, very little else --  link the details elsewhere -- and lead us to them.
  • Hoaxes are frowned upon (thought I should say this for the idle few).
  • Once we are aware of your existence, your information will be migrated to other useful platforms -- once constructed.  
Besides helping you become better known, the hope is to accumulate as large a grouping as possible, so you might identify others with whom you might wish to partner (or have to compete).

This blog posting will be kept somewhere near the top of the home page, so targeted audience will be able to find the information more readily.


Tag: "Social Causes - General"

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