Thursday, May 17, 2012


WANTED: Your American Flags

for "Stars For Our Troops" Program

American Flags Stars for our Troops

What is Stars for our Troops?

The Stars for our Troops program takes your old, tattered and worn out American Flags and turns them into a prized possession for an American Soldier at home, on base or overseas. Volunteers lovingly cut each embroidered star from the flag, dispose of the stripes properly, and place each star into a tiny plastic bag with a card.

The card reads:
"I am part of our American flag that has flown over a home in the U.S.A. I can no longer fly. The sun and winds have caused me to become tattered and torn. Please carry me as a reminder that you are not forgotten"

Each American Flag can touch the lives of 50 American Soldiers even after it's reached the end of it's flying days!

How can you help?

1. Send us your old American Flag with embroidered stars. We will see that they are cleaned and each embroidered star makes it's way to an American Soldier. To save on shipping, collect your neighbors' flags too, and send them all at once.  For large shipments, please call us in advance.  It helps schedule volunteers to help process them.

Attn: Stars for our Troops
Gettysburg Flag Works
715 Columbia Turnpike
East Greenbush, NY 12061

2. Link to this page and tell your friends. There is an ongoing need for these stars as we have troops leaving for combat all the time, and returning home where they need to integrate back into society. Places that might get the most exposure are facebook, twitter, blogs or personal websites. Emails are great too! Click here for a flyer that you can post at work, at the gym or bring to your local veteran organization.
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Tag:  "Flag etiquette"

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