Saturday, August 17, 2013

UPDATE #1: San Marco Community Park Concept (Till 8/20/TUE)

Posted:  17 Aug 13

Dear Neighbors,

The following messages from Pittsburg Planning Manager, Dana Hoggatt Ayers, pertain to last Tuesday's Community Advisory Commission meeting, referred to by this blog posting, "A San Marco Community Park! Got Any Ideas? Tell us on 8/14/WED/(7 to 9pm)!"

As you will see, the opportunity remains open for additional public comment, by phone or email, until 8/20/TUE.

Included, below, is a beautiful landscaping plan, which will deepen insights and may stimulate further ideas and comments -- before the door closes on this planning phase.

  • To see the drawing as a full page, please click the box in the lower right corner of the embedded frame. 
  • To enlarge it, please play around with your browser's and operating system's zoom features. 
  •  (Sorry I couldn't make it larger for you, but you should be able to get a better view, by notifying the Planning Office)

David Nelson

You and others in your network might be interested in a recent CAC meeting agenda item, wherein the CAC reviewed, discussed, and received comments from the public on a conceptual plan for improvements to a new six-acre community park planned in the San Marco area near the western end of the city.  Attached is the concept drawing.  Please feel free to distribute through your network.  Residents are invited to email or call me with any questions or comments, by end of day on August 20.

Have a great weekend!

Dana Hoggatt Ayers
Planning Manager
City of Pittsburg

From: Dana Hoggatt
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 3:14 PM
Subject: San Marco Community Park Concept

It was a pleasure to see and meet a few of you at the Community Advisory Commission (CAC) meeting Wednesday night, at which time the CAC discussed and listened to comments from residents about the conceptual plan for amenities in the six-acre community park planned for the southwest corner of San Marco Boulevard and West Leland Road. 

I appreciate your efforts so far in getting the plan out to your respective groups, and I have already received a few comments by email from some of your neighbors.  As we discussed after the meeting, staff will work internally and with  the CAC to incorporate as many community-valued amenities as we can, within the $1.5 million budget for initial park improvements.

Attached is a pdf file with a clearer rendering of the conceptual plan.  Please feel free to post this version to your group webpages or to email out to your distribution lists.  I would like to request that your postings include notification that any comments be sent to me by end of day on Tuesday, August 20This deadline will afford city staff time to evaluate the comments and to give direction to the landscape architect with enough time for him to prepare another rendering before the CAC’s next meeting on September 4, when the CAC will be asked to approve the concept.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email or call me.
Dana Hoggatt <>

Dana Hoggatt Ayers
Planning Manager
City of Pittsburg

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