Thursday, August 29, 2013

LIBRARY TOWN HALL MEETING Pittsburg 9/25/WED (7 TO 8:30 pm)

Confirmed:  15 Sep 13

Posted:  29 Aug 13

1.  At the time of this writing, the Pittsburg Library Town Hall meeting hadn't yet appeared on the County library website, but I called this afternoon and learned of the 25 September meeting date at the Pittsburg Library.  Be sure to mark your calendars.

2.  A flyer for the meeting hasn't been received yet, but will be posted when available.  Meanwhile, you can learn more about these meetings on this 26 July City-Journal bulletin.

3.  Last, but certainly not least:
  • I also learned that Chris Brown, former Acting Pittsburg Library Manager, is now Manager of the Pleasant Hill branch.  Congratulations, Chris!  
  • Becky Nielson is now in charge of the Pittsburg branch.  Congrats to Becky, too!

David Nelson

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