Sunday, August 25, 2013

THE CIVIC MENTOR ~~~ This City-Journal's Next Evolutionary Step (Rev. 8/25/13)

Posted:  19 July 13
Revised:  25 Aug 13

More and more, the impossible is becoming inevitable 
for our rapidly and well maturing society and species

1.  Purposes

1.1  To introduce to you the next major step -- "The Civic Mentor" -- and its interim website portal (  They constitute yet another system-building tool -- in a public-service "system-of-systems" development process -- spanning decades -- and first made public with the creation of this Pittsburg City-Journal (PCJ), during 2012.
  • From now on, new readers will not need to deal with the awkward URL ( when they wish to access the PCJ -- and all the other public service systems, as these come online.  
  • You only need to remember the simpler name: "CIVICMENTOR.NET."

1.2  To continue increasing the quality and scope of public service to next include, more directly, the entire Contra Costa County -- then, to extend ever-refining systems-services, as appropriate, far beyond the territory -- even throughout this blessed nation -- humankind's crown jewel -- if that is to be.

1.3  To invite you to regularly visit the newly-forming system of many web-based systems, which is to be, among other things, the parent framework for the NEW PCJ.   I hope you will watch it as closely as you can, for I intend to keep growing and refining the emergent "super-system" -- until it has become a complete joy for you to habitually use and rely upon -- and until there is nothing left to do to it to make it as practical for you as it can be -- and keep it that way, as circumstances change.

2.  Background


2.1  The PCJ first began as the outward-looking component of a voluntary, grass-roots Neighborhood Management System (NMS) I've been developing for the 114-home neighborhood where I reside -- and expect to make that NMS fully operational before June 2014.

2.1.1  The PCJ combines with an inward-looking communications system (two sides of the same coin).  The idea was to create a TOTAL view and a THOROUGH way -- to methodically and reliably anticipate, respond to, and favorably influence -- ALL KNOWN changes in the total environment -- having the power to affect us -- both inside the neighborhood and within its wider surroundings.

2.1.2  Besides, there are relatively few human groupings more potentially important to an average life than neighbors.  No matter who they are or whatever else they do, everyone, with few exceptions, is a neighbor among neighbors -- at the very "grass roots" of society -- and the relationship is inescapable -- for the role comes with the territory.
  • Neighbors are special among those who, if so inclined, can help insure another's (even many others') survival, prosperity, and well-being.  
  • They personify the human instinct of "I watch out for you and you watch out for me."  
  • The relationship is usually of long-duration -- even life-long -- so the quality of that relationship is especially important.  
  • They are the ones who might be turned to when a common (or private) act of fate threatens or summons.
  • They can heighten one's awareness and readiness for life's sudden and gradual impacts -- good or bad.  
  • Together, they can do needful/desirable things that are difficult or impossible to do, otherwise -- if their essential unity and cooperation are sufficient to the tasks before them.  
  • They constitute a special class of friendship, to be prized and nurtured -- and much, much more, too -- which will be explored with you, in coming days.

2.2  It has always been my intention (virtually life-long) to (among a whole lot of other INTERRELATED things) develop and expand a range of needful services, spiraling outward from my very soul, through my family and home, my neighborhood, and throughout my city, county, region, state, and the Nation.  But, I have found fate constantly disrupting (and usually improving upon) my timetables.  For fate overrides all agendas with its own -- and is a far better "planner" than I could ever hope to be.


2.3  For example, I soon realized that the PCJ, with certain adjustments, could just as easily begin serving the City, too (and even the County and beyond), much sooner than later.  Once I understood what it was becoming, a perfect opportunity to "leap frog" my plans smacked me squarely on my noggin.  So, how could I justify withholding this emerging tool from my more distant neighbors? (And truly, we humans are ALL neighbors on our common, tiny planet.)
  • Many birds could be killed with one PCJ-stone (a dreadful expression, but illuminative)
  • Unfortunately, while the URL I created made sense for my own neighborhood, it quickly outgrew its original purpose.  As a result, I know it has been confusing for others -- but, by then, momentum made changing it untenable, until now.
to help build the "SYSTEM-OF-SYSTEMS" TO FOLLOW 
-- proceeding, next, with establishment of the Civic Mentor.


2.4  I also confirmed that, in order to THOROUGHLY complete my own neighborhood's NMS, I needed certain things to be provided TO my neighborhood (and many others), in a certain form, from the various systems that comprise and serve our society.  And these are things I believe virtually every neighborhood needs to have in order to become fully optimized -- no matter where that neighborhood happens to be.  The Civic Mentor is meant to serve those needs, methodically.

  • 2.4.1  And, I have repeatedly confirmed to myself that there are certain other "social structural gaps" that need to be closed in order for ALL the people, in their universal "grass-roots settings,"  to more fully organize themselves as integral, optimized subsystems of society, in this complex era.  
  • 2.4.2  And, I think I have figured out a way to begin closing all of those gaps -- through the Civic Mentor, plus 5 or 6 other major components being planned for.  The Civic Mentor is the "linch-pin" and logical foundation for all that is to follow.
  • 2.4.3  Indeed, THE MISSION OF THIS ENTIRE "SOCIAL ENTERPRISE" includes: (1) Providing for THE SOCIAL INGREDIENTS Perceived to be Missing and (2) Seeing to the CLOSURE of ALL closable STRUCTURAL GAPS -- particularly at the "grass roots" level of a self-governing society.


2.5  With the passage of time and my growing absorption of new technologies, it has now become possible to advance beyond the groundwork thus far laid by the PCJ -- and ALL that has come before and is still appearing -- faster and faster -- to reach "the golden shore" I see and am so certain awaits us -- though much, much more remains to be discovered, devised, explained, and done -- and shall be.

We are still just beginning to build up our momentum 
in understanding and capitalizing on its awesome social potential.

The deliberate and methodical redesign of the social fabric -- during this generation -- in light of the profound social impact, opportunities, and risks, emerging from revolutionary modern technology -- is feasible, inevitable, and highly advantageous to the human good.

3.  A Proviso


3.1  Please keep in mind that this system-building project is not a "typical" one.  Normally, an entrepreneur works on an innovation (often in secret) until enough has been accomplished that they feel ready to release their new product-service mix into the world.  He or she can do and correct many of the dumb-seeming things in private and no one will ever know.   Such reticence is often crucial to them, so as to not undermine themselves by premature exposure of their unfolding plans to the threats of negative forces that due care and timing could have avoided.


3.2  The special nature of this project, which life has "assigned" me to do, no longer affords me that luxury.  For I have now reached the point where I, though a private citizen, simply must do more and more of the remaining work under the public eye  -- though much has been done beforehand, behind the scenes -- over decades of thought and preparation.


3.3  Why must this all be done in public?  Because this project is so vast that if I wait till it's all done before presenting it to you, I might not even be alive to do so -- I'm no longer a young fellow -- plus, life is so risky.  Thus, it must be tackled in public or not at all.  Frankly, success is unimaginable to me, without undergoing this crucial public stage, at this particular time-point -- for this forces pursuit of clarity and helps me persevere, as I falter, from time to time.
  • 3.3.1  Besides, the process of perfecting things must eventually involve all of us, if results are to be truly practical and meaningful.  Why not, then, afford you the early opportunity to witness and participate in the evolution, refinement, and institutionalization of the hoped for results -- thereby, greatly increasing prospects for success?  
  • 3.3.2  Ultimately, at the very core of this whole undertaking is an unshakable commitment to deliver high-quality service, for the greater good of "we the people."  Naturally, since all is being done for us all, we the people have an implicit right to influence things, favorably, whenever we are ready to do so.  How could it be otherwise?  My own small allotment of genius, inspiration, time, and energy can only go so far -- to push "this boulder uphill."
  • 3.3.3 And, I firmly believe that what fate is having me do will work, hand-in-hand with others, to save many lives and add much value to them -- even before the entire project is completed.  
  • 3.3.4  THUS, THERE IS A VERY REAL SENSE OF URGENCY -- so time is not to be wasted on secrecy, fear, hurt feelings, and other private concerns.

3.4  Therefore, everything you see is likely to be in a constantly-changing "rough" form and will be refined as I can get to it.  (So please, don't judge me too harshly -- for there are many, many "balls in the air" and mishaps, blunders, and short-cuts must happen as part of the process.)  The smoothing-out has to be done on the fly.  And, it will likely take years before this project can be said to be finished with my part in it.
  • Like a big building-construction project, "the land" has been studied and cleared, materials gathered, blueprints worked out, foundations are establishing, and the framework is starting to solidify for this emerging skyscraper. (I'll worry about "decorating" it, later)  You are standing on the very construction site.  
  • As preparations solidify, team-building can begin in earnest, leading to establishment of the parent corporation -- "The Mentor Enterprises / ELMS" -- (circa 2016) -- to help refine and advance these concepts -- beyond the limits of my personal reach, unassisted -- and purify and perpetuate the concepts -- if found to be worthy -- beyond my lifespan (unless fate is playing terrible tricks on me).   But, with luck, further maturation of the concepts, and with the fabulous technology of this new age -- I can reasonably hope to progress a long way -- before any serious formal delegating to others needs to begin, in earnest.
  • "ELMS" stands for "Entire Life-time Management Systems."

3.5  As I have said, many times, mistakes, even blunders, will be unavoidable -- and, to my chagrin, you will see many of them.  So be it.  The public advantages far outweigh the personal costs.

Who dares seriously say that any one of us cannot be a catalyst for world change -- for the better rather than the worse -- by fulfilling the suitably high purposes, dreams, determination, and luck at their disposal? 

 Oh, Yes We Can and Do and Shall!
Humans have been proving the truth of this 
for a long, long time -- and will doubtless continue to do so.

With your patience and help, all will be well, 
whenever "waiting is filled,"
if fate continues to be kind.

Respectfully yours,

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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