Thursday, August 29, 2013

EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES to Serve Within County Government (till 9/13/FRI) Update #1

Posted:  30 Aug 13
** Update #1: 30 Aug / 9:52 pm

Volunteerism is such a big deal in this self-governing nation -- filling in all those needful gaps which wouldn't (even couldn't) be served, otherwise (or served as well).

1.  Purpose

This bulletin contains so many significant voluntary opportunities that warrant attention -- enough to suit so many tastes and capabilities.  Just take a look at some excerpts from the more detailed pdf, embedded below.

Please note the 9/13/Friday/5pm application deadline.

2.  As the embedded 8/29/13 document says:  

"Here’s a chance for the public to be involved with county government on a variety of topics involving county governance, from arts to transportation or alcohol restrictions to library use.  District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover announced the openings for District representatives on the following boards and commissions:"

Note:  To look-up further details describing these governmental bodies, 
please click here.
** If you click the actual name of any below position, a Google search will open for you.

3.  "The greatest rewards in life tend to follow from high service to others.  The greatest happiness in life accompanies seeing to the happiness of others."  

Please don't assume you can't do such great things.  And, if you miss this opportunity, plenty more are coming.

Respectfully yours,
David Nelson

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