Friday, August 30, 2013

Honors to THERESA MILLER -- A Leading Citizen! (Updated: 8/31/am)

Posted:  30 Aug 13

Purpose of this bulletin

To announce the special and well-deserved recognition of a very highly dedicated Pittsburg volunteer, Theresa Miller, who has been providing exemplary service to the community for years as, among other things, a senior Pittsburg Community Advisory Commissioner and as Coordinator in charge of the East Contra Costa County's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training program.

She is the one who has invested months, every year, for many years, to organize and lead the conduct of the CERT training that produces our qualified volunteer disaster response teams.

This is a very big deal with long-lasting beneficial impact. We owe her a great debt of gratitude for her tireless service to the cause of minimizing loss of life and property during disasters -- and in doing so many other things to insure a prolonged, better quality of existence for her fellow residents.

Very well done, Theresa.  Thank you.

David Nelson

P.S.  Afternoon update:  In response to my personal congratulatory email, Theresa responded with typical modesty, fairness, and candor:  "Thanks David, but it's East County that deserves the applause. I stand alongside many others who make it all  happen.  It is them that I applaud."  She means this.  And, rightfully so.  Having seen in action and been trained by her and some of her wonderful colleagues, to our great advantage, I think there is plenty of applause to go around which, by no means, diminishes her contribution, but only enhances it. Sincere thanks to the entire CERT training team of volunteers and professionals for a job extremely well and selflessly done, repeatedly and faithfully, for the best of reasons.


Below is a commendatory announcement from the Police Department, which explains Theresa's award.


Ref:  Monday, 26 Aug 13, 3:00 pm, message from the Pittsburg Police Department, on


The Pittsburg Police Department is proud to announce that Pittsburg Police volunteer and CERT Coordinator Theresa Miller received the Silver Award today by the California Emergency Services Association Coastal Chapter.

This award is presented for exceptional efforts in the area of emergency management and preparedness, and recognizes recipients for their work with ongoing programs, specific campaigns, public education, or training programs and partnerships.

Theresa was a key member of the People with Disabilities/Elderly Work Group that designed and distributed 5000 information packets to people with disabilities and the elderly in Eastern Contra Costa County.

Congratulations Theresa; we are proud of you!

Pittsburg Police Department (CA)
65 Civic Ave
Pittsburg, CA 94565

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