Thursday, August 15, 2013

A SIMPLE GOOD ACT that can ricochet along the chain..

Posted:  15 Aug 13

1.  Something rather beautiful happened tonight, on our way home from a lovely dinner at our favorite Chinese Restaurant (Double Dragon [click here], across from Macy's, on Somersville Road, Antioch -- boy, are they fast and pleasing -- and no, they don't know about this little plug).

2.  Anyhow, at the stoplight at the Highway 4 west entrance, my wife and I spotted a presumably homeless man, seeking a little kindness.  As we were reaching for our wallets, we noticed a person in the car ahead of us hand him a bottle of water -- which he promptly and happily got to work on -- with many thanks. What a great idea, in all this heat!

3.  We immediately resolved to keep a few bottles in the door-pockets, up front, for this purpose, ourselves. (Hint: We do keep an emergency water supply in the trunks of all the family cars, however -- which is perfectly safe [and wise] to do - click here)  

4.  Earlier, we had spotted a familiar lady in distress, near the BART station, who looked like she could have used a little water, herself -- but, this aspect of her plight just didn't register in our minds then -- next time, we'll be ready for her.

5.  That driver may never realize the effect their act of kindness had on the great human chain-reaction.  But, here is a perfect example of the contagious nature of the good act, "cast upon the waters."  Other thirsty fellow humans stand to gain from it, I'm quite sure.

6.  My wife and I thought we'd push this idea along the "chain," for we know there are others who will take this ball and run with it, too, now that this great idea is in play.  And, sincere thanks to that anonymous good Samaritan.

7.  Another thought I had from all of this.  I have tons of baseball caps (and only one head, alas), so I plan to pass those out to those poor souls, sweltering in the summer sun.

David Nelson

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