Sunday, August 25, 2013

WHO IS WESPAC? What Do They Say About the Proposed Pittsburg Project?

Posted:  25 Aug 13

1.  Purpose

1.1  In anticipation of (1) the 26 August workshop (click here) and (2) the close of the 45-day public comment period, at 5:00 pm, Friday, 6 September (click here), this bulletin provides some additional background information for residents to consider -- so they might become better acquainted with WesPac.

1.2  Specifically, this bulletin presents and briefly summarizes WesPac Corporate information, as referenced below. While these references are interesting and helpful, they do not reflect certain recent developments that required this 2013 EIR recirculation sequence.  To see those "missing pieces," please see the "Executive Summary" for the actual EIR, published on the City website (click here).

1.3  EIR = "Environmental Impact Report"

2.  A Brief Summary of the Referenced Materials

3.1 On the Corporate website, WesPac states:
  • ABOUT US -- "WesPac Energy Group ("WesPac") develops, constructs, owns, and operates energy infrastructure throughout North America."  More...
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY TERMINAL PROJECT -- "The Pittsburg Energy Infrastructure Project is the modernization and reactivation of the existing marine terminal, oil storage and transfer facilities at the GenOn Pittsburg Generating Station.  These upgraded and improved facilities will be used to transport and store virgin and partially refined crude oil.  Products handled at the facility will be transported by pipeline, ship or barge."  More...
  • CORPORATE MISSION & STRATEGIES -- "To develop and own energy assets in selected markets where we can provide strategic value, lower our customer's total operating costs, and/or create more efficiency and reliability in our customer's business."  More...
  • TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT -- "In 1998, WesPac began working with airports across the country to help them make the switch to receiving fuel by pipelines instead of trucks. Why? Trucks are a significant source of mobile air pollution including CO2, and are a major cause of road deterioration as well as traffic hazards and congestion. On the other hand, WesPac's underground pipeline systems are the safest, cleanest, and most economical means to transport fuel. Environmentally proactive cities such as San Diego, Reno, and Memphis have worked with WesPac to eliminate the transportation of jet fuel by tanker trucks."
  • WESPAC PROJECTS & ACHIEVEMENTS -- The Company refers to representative projects it has undertaken in San Diego, Reno, Memphis, Los Angeles as well as on Hydrant System Balance and Web-based Inventory.  More...

3.2  In the Pittsburg Project Description, WesPac provides a clear, straight-forward statement:
  • A Project Overview
  • A Description of Terminal Operations Intended for Pittsburg (NOTE:  This section, apparently not yet updated, makes no mention of the current EIR under consideration, which deals with the Company's intention to add a "new method of oil delivery by rail.")
  • Mention of the Environmental Impact Report Process (NOTE:  This section refers to an earlier EIR, submitted last year.  No mention is made about this current 2013 EIR Recirculation process facing us now.  Fuller information is on the City's website)
  • Timeline (NOTE:  The provided timeline is obsolete, being based upon assumptions about last year's EIR process.  It is interesting to note that the project was expected to take 15 months.)
  • Safety and the Environment / Safety Features
  • Questions and Answers -- (1) What is the PEI Project; (2)  Why it is Needed; (3) Benefits to Pittsburg; (4) Precautions to ensure neighborhood safety; (5)  Approval Timeline; (6) Construction and Operation Timelines; (7)  About WesPac.
  • Project Location Topographic Map
  • Proposed Project Layout Map and site boundaries

David Nelson

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