Wednesday, August 14, 2013

SFBA MONITOR: Announcing New Mountain View Community Info Site

Posted:  14 Aug 13

1.  Purposes

1.1  To announce the recently upgraded "Mountain View Voice" website.

1.2  To begin the process of making it easy for San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) residents (us) to look in on our neighbors in other distant and nearby related communities -- to help build interest, common cause, and ideal relationships with all of them.

1.3  After all, we undeniably share the same enormous "boat," on this life's journey -- surrounded and blessed by this fabulous economic region -- which society has built up -- around one of the world's finest harbors and landscapes and climates and collection of people (lucky us.)  We may as well make the most of this opportunity.

2.  A Longer-Term View

2.1  BY CREATING MY OWN "SFBA MONITOR" for us, I envisage accumulating great and ever-growing numbers and varieties of practical web-links -- and forming them into a network that permeates and helps further serve the informational needs of the entire SFBA (and beyond), community-by-community.

2.2  In this way, I think we will gain another powerful public resource, ALL IN ONE CONVENIENT PLACE, to help us further improve conditions in and around our larger and smaller common territories -- together -- as the ONE great thing we are.
  • Hand-in-hand with an interrelated series of "territorial monitoring systems," the vision extends to an "area-wide, two-way communications infrastructure --  so we all can methodically discuss and develop the very concerns we are monitoring.
  • This will enable all the people to tie-together, in thought and action, at the "grass roots," where they all reside.
  • This communications infrastructure is to be comprised of -- and will highlight and celebrate and consolidate quick-links -- for ease of public access and dialog -- to all the appropriate social,  governmental, media, and other pubic networks -- that have been created and maintained by so many of our brilliant fellows humans, near and far, for the common good.  
  • The idea being: (1) to magnify and more thoroughly promote and exploit public achievements, rather than try to wastefully duplicate or compete with them -- in the areas they already serve so well.   "A rising tide lifts all boats" -- and our "tide" will surely rise -- by such unity of effort -- and (2) to create practical forums that help organize and prioritize the citizen's analyses and resolution of issues that our social systems present to us for our consideration.
2.3  These ought to make it far easier for us busy humans to methodically learn and stay more abreast of what is useful to know about our total home environments -- and to participate more satisfactorily.  And, if it is easier, we'll be more likely to do so.


3.  A Start

It was convenient to begin with Mountain View.  A more systematic approach will follow, later -- spiraling-out from Pittsburg, through the County, then the SFBA, and so on.  We have hundreds more communities to bring into view -- this is a beginning.

4.  Here, then, is a linked-letter from the Publishers of the Mountain View Voice

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Tom Gibboney <> wrote:

Dear Mountain View Voice Express Subscriber:

We wanted to let you know that tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon we will be launching a new website for the Mountain View Voice (click here) that we hope you will enjoy and find an improvement over our current site.

We are hoping Express recipients like you will help us by giving their feedback and criticisms of the new site so we can create the best possible experience for you.

You can send us your feedback by replying to this email, by sending it to, or by using the  "Contact Us" link on the new site.

In addition, we are interested in having a group of readers participate in a one-hour focus group session in downtown Mountain View on Tuesday, August 27 at 5 p.m. If you would be interested in participating, please let us know via email and we'll provide further details.

Tom Gibboney, Publisher ( or 223-6507)
Andrea Gemmet, Editor ( or 223-6537)

Tom Gibboney
The Mountain View Voice

5.  Please visit the excellent new Mountain View Voice Website -- and look around -- when you can.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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