Monday, August 26, 2013

SECURITY ADVISORY! Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks

Posted:  26 Aug 13

1.  Purpose

1.1  The purpose of this bulletin is to increase public well-being by illuminating another threat that accompanies the magnificent blessings of mobile phone and computer technologies.

1.2  Specifically, it is to report a cursory investigation, just conducted, on the potential threat of using smart-type phones to take photos and then posting those on the internet.

As a starting point for the discussion:
  • Another benefit of Facebook is that people can point out some of the significant things we are missing all the time -- but shouldn't miss.  
  • This story has been circulating since 2010, before it finally reached me -- but reached me it has -- this very morning.  
  • By its seriousness, it pushed itself to the very top of my priority list.  Here is the result, so far.

2.  The Basic Story

This story was brought into my view by my Facebook Friend, George D., by means of this video posted on another's private-seeming blog ( -- which passed along the following video -- thereby triggering the chain-reaction leading to this morning's bulletin.

Please Note:  The basic story is nearly four years old and the affected industries have been taking action. But, you should be aware of the pieces of the story so you can see where it applies to you and so you can help others separate fact from fiction.

From Nov 9, 2010, KSHB-TV, Kansas City, Action News Report, 4 minutes

    3.  The Investigation

    Disclaimer about this link-list:  I have long known and to be superb fact-checking sites which you can always rely upon.  I'm NOT familiar with the others, so I can't vouch for what they always do, but at least in this case, their information is sound, in my view:
    1. Google search -- August 26, 2013, "smartphone pictures pose privacy risks hoax"
    2. -- Updated: August 12, 2013, "Smart Phone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks"
    3. --  Since January 2013, "Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks?"
    4. -- Aug 13, 2013, "Gimmie Alert: Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks Hoax?"
    5. --  February 17, 2011, "Photo Geotagging Poses Privacy Risks, But Is NOT a Reason for Panic

    4.  Preliminary Findings
    • This is a valid, sound story of social significance -- BUT AN OLD ONE -- Facebook & Twitter have since begun taking automatic measures in processing uploaded photos
    • If certain mobile phones are not set to the "right" settings, a villain can do some very alarming things -- among which are: (1) figuring out where the photo was taken; (2) the identity of the person photographed (heads-up, parents); (3) the home address; (4) even the room in which it was taken (5) the places a person frequents -- and more.
    • The solution/fix/precautions are simple, quick, and effective and fully explained in the above articles.

    5.  Recommendations
    • Spend fifteen minutes, or so, following this investigative trail for yourselves.
    • Follow the suggestions if they apply to you.
    • Pass the word, far and wide -- either by linking this bulletin or by other means -- but please don't let your friends and associates down by withholding this information, as it applies. (Don't be a "broken link" in the good chain-reactions -- just the bad ones)
    • Continue to relish, enjoy, and protect the technological advances of the age.

    David Nelson

    All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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