Saturday, March 30, 2013

COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY REVIEW -- 5th District, Contra Costa County

Posted:  30 Mar 13

1.  Purpose

To provide a review of some of the recent developments under County government, with emphasis on the activities of 5th County District Supervisor Federal D. Glover.

There is so much going on as to be mind-boggling.  But, especially germane to many are the numerous NEW WELL-PAID JOB OPENINGS and voluntary (rewarding and resume-building) opportunities that are being generated here through the Federal, State, County, and local government partnership.  And, this is on top of the vigorous, highly practical, and effective support for the brave businesses here, from the very smallest to the largest -- in cooperation with the Chambers of Commerce and others.

2.  Background

Federal D. Glover is Supervisor, District Five, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors.  In January, he was installed, for the fourth time, as Chair of the Board of Supervisors.  District 5 jurisdiction includes:
  • Antioch (North)
  • Hercules
  • Martinez
  • Pinole (North)
  • Pittsburg 
  • Alhambra Valley
  • Bay Point
  • Briones
  • Clyde
  • Crockett
  • Mt. View
  • Pacheco
  • Port Costa
  • Reliez Valley
  • Rodeo
  • Tormey
  • Vine Hill

3.  Four District 5 "Town Hall Meetings" are scheduled for the unincorporated communities, all from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, as follows: (for more details, click here)
  • 4/2/Tue - Bay Point
  • 4/11/Thu - Pacheco
  • 4/24/Wed - Crockett
  • 4/25/Thu - Rodeo

4.  See the District 5 Winter/Spring 2013 Newsletter through this link.

5.  On Facebook

If you scroll down Supervisor Glover's Facebook page, you will find, among other things:
  • 3/28 - Groundbreaking of Berrellesa Palms senior affordable housing in downtown Martinez
  • 3/28 - Flyer for the April Town Hall meeting series
  • 3/28 - His reaction to Antioch City Council's recent decision concerning Governor Brown's program to return low-level offenders from state prison to county jurisdiction (AB 109)
  • 3/27 - AB-109 service providers bidders conference at Pittsburg City Hall - for May 15 funding awards
  • 3/26 - Exciting employment opportunities to fill OVER 200 full and part-time jobs with the County and the new Call Center
  • 3/25 - Invitation for volunteers to District 5 advisory positions
  • 3/25 - Bay Point water rates may go down
  • 3/25 - Orientation of Advisory councils and the Northern Waterfront Development Council
  • 3/19 - County ban on E-cigarettes
  • 3/19 - County awards Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Grant
  • 3/18 - Concord's Mt Diablo High School receives t-shirts, other items and strong support for Challenge Day event
  • Past photos of the recent County Youth Summit 2013 and a series of FB advisories leading up to the event
  • A very neat 36-second video clip showing the young attendees having a great time
  • Announcement of a Small Business Workshop put on by BART to explain exciting opportunities
  • Announcement of his call for an emergency meeting on the call-center issue
  • Crucial information about the "Public Safety Realignment's" shifting of certain felons from state to local custody
  • An award presented to the Supervisor by volunteer service organization, "Souljah's"
  • A statement about the priority of the Northern Waterfront Development Initiatve
  • A summary of his recent State and Washington, DC work involving Supervisor Mitchoff, Representatives Miller, Thompson, and McNerney -- and some excellent developments
  • Supervisor's commendation of citizens for the successful 2 March "Willow Creek Cleanup" in Bay Point
  • Fantastic photos of the Supervisor's recent trip to Washington
  • Comments on one Californian dealing with East Coast weather (brrr)
  • Assemblyman Jim Frazier's 2nd Annual Lobster & Pasta dinner in Antioch
  • Photos of the County's recent Grant Writing Workshop in Martinez
  • Even more insights into fascinating County business
And, when you find that you really, really like his FB page, click the good ol' "like" button to cheer great government in action -- and a special note at his website wouldn't hurt, either.  

Lucky us.

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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