Saturday, March 30, 2013

Senator Boxer: Celebrating Cesar Chavez Day 3/31/13

Posted:  30 Mar 13

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:31 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote:(You can view the message online.)

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara Boxer,  United States Senator from California
March 29, 2013
Dear Friend:

On Sunday, March 31st, we will celebrate César Chávez Day and the 86th birthday of the late, great American labor leader.   For a schedule of Chávez Day events in your area, click here

César Chávez was born on March 31, 1927, on a small farm near Yuma, Arizona.  When his family lost the farm during the Great Depression and moved to California, César at age 10 became a migrant farm worker, laboring in fields and vineyards.  In 1946 he joined the U.S. Navy and served in the western Pacific.

César Chávez’s early experiences gave him the determination to create an organization to protect farm workers.  This organization developed into the United Farm Workers, the largest farm workers union in U.S. history.  As union president, Chávez worked to promote fair wages, medical coverage, pension benefits, and decent working conditions.  Though the fight for fairness and justice continues, thousands of farm workers today are able to live their lives with respect, dignity, and a decent wage.

César died in 1993 and became the second Mexican-American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.  In 2009, Congress passed my bill to rename a San Diego post office in his honor. And last October, President Obama established the César E. Chávez National Monument in Keene, California, at César’s home and final resting place (to read more, click here).

As we celebrate César Chávez Day, let us always remember his call for unity, equality, and justice for all Americans: Sí, se puede – yes, we can.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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