Wednesday, March 6, 2013

LIFE-TOOLS: The Genius Within? England's Smartest Family

Posted:  6 Mar 13


1.  Purpose

To share amazing evidence demonstrating the remarkable potential for developing the human genius within, far beyond "traditional" expectations.  Extremely successful, teachable techniques exist -- and more and more are surfacing.  As in all fields of human endeavor, education processes continue to mature.  Surely, public awareness of these developments is a sensible step toward spreading these advances -- and ready acquisition of such power, on a wide scale, seems a highly desirable outcome for human progress to pursue.

2.  Background

Today, a Facebook friend shared an astounding article-link which caused me to investigate further, becoming ever more amazed, the closer I looked. (Thanks to Cousin Georgiann for passing on this great story from the "StushLive" Facebook page)

3.  The Article as Posted on Facebook
 I have placed Google-search links throughout, to facilitate deeper exploration.

England’s Smartest Family
Meet the “First Family of Education” in England.
12/5/14 -- Note:  The below image no longer appears, but if you click it, 
it should take you to the appropriate Facebook Page

England’s Smartest Family is Black: We won’t hear about this in the news….. England’s Smartest Family is Black Meet the “First Family of Education” in England . They are black.  Peter and Paula Imafidon, 9-year-old twins from Waltham Forest in northeast London , are a part of the highest-achieving clan in the history of Great Britain education. The two youngest siblings are about to make British history as the youngest students to ever enter high school. They astounded veteran experts of academia when they became the youngest to ever pass the University of Cambridge ’s advanced mathematics exam. That’s on top of the fact they have set world records when they passed the A/AS-level math papers.  Chris Imafidon, their father, said he’s not concerned about his youngest children’s ability to adapt to secondary school despite their tender age. “We’re delighted with the progress they have made,” he said. “Because they are twins they are always able to help and support each other.” To Peter and Paula’s parents, this is nothing new. Chris Imafidon said he and his wife have been through this before: they have other super-gifted, overachieving children. Peter and Paula’s sister, Anne-Marie, now 20, holds the world record as the youngest girl to pass the A-level computing, when she was just 13.   She is now studying at arguably the most renowned medical school in the United States , Johns Hopkins University , in Baltimore . Another sister, Christina, 17, is the youngest student to ever get accepted and study at an undergraduate institution at any British university at the tender age of 11. And Samantha, now age 12, had passed two rigorous high school-level mathematics and statistics exams at the age of 6, something that her twin siblings, Peter and Paula, also did.  Chris Imafidon migrated to London from Nigeria in West Africa over 30 years ago. And despite his children’s jaw-dropping, history-making academic achievements, he denies there is some “genius gene” in his family. Instead, he credits his children’s success to the Excellence in Education program for disadvantaged inner-city children. “Every child is a genius,” he told British reporters.   “Once you identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that will nurture that talent, then the sky is the limit. Look at Tiger Woods or the Williams sisters [Venus and Serena] — they were nurtured. You can never rule anything out with them. The competition between the two of them makes them excel in anything they do.”Peter and Paula Imafidon, 9-year-old twins from Waltham Forest in northeast London, are a part of the highest-achieving clan in the history of Great Britain education. The two youngest siblings are about to make British history as the youngest students to ever enter high school. They astounded veteran experts of academia when they became the youngest to ever pass the University of Cambridge’s advanced mathematics exam. That’s on top of the fact they have set world records when they passed the A/AS-level math papers.

Chris Imafidon, their father, said he’s not concerned about his youngest children’s ability to adapt to secondary school despite their tender age. “We’re delighted with the progress they have made,” he said. “Because they are twins they are always able to help and support each other.”

To Peter and Paula’s parents, this is nothing new. 

Chris Imafidon said he and his wife have been through this before: they have other super-gifted, overachieving children.
  • Peter's and Paula’s sister, Anne-Marie, now 20, holds the world record as the youngest girl to pass the A-level computing, when she was just 13.   She is now studying at arguably the most renowned medical school in the United States, Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore.
  • Another sister, Christina, 17, is the youngest student to ever get accepted and study at an undergraduate institution at any British university at the tender age of 11.
  • And Samantha, now age 12, had passed two rigorous high school-level mathematics and statistics exams at the age of 6, something that her twin siblings, Peter and Paula, also did.
Chris Imafidon migrated to London from Nigeria in West Africa over 30 years ago. And despite his children’s jaw-dropping, history-making academic achievements, he denies there is some “genius gene” in his family. Instead, he credits his children’s success to the Excellence in Education program for disadvantaged inner-city children.

“Every child is a genius,” he told British reporters. 

“Once you identify the talent of a child and put them in the environment that will nurture that talent, then the sky is the limit. Look at Tiger Woods or the Williams sisters [Venus and Serena] — they were nurtured. You can never rule anything out with them. The competition between the two of them makes them excel in anything they do.”

End of Article =======

What practical things can we do with this 
stunning and inspiring information?

4.  Note: Here is a 4-minute video (from 19 March, last year) which interviews the father and three of his children -- THEY GIVE A VERY NEAT LITTLE TRICK FOR MULTIPLYING BY NINE, at the end of the video.

David Nelson

P.S.  I can't resist observing that we are all children of circumstance.  To change the child within, change the circumstances...

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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