Thursday, March 21, 2013

Senator Boxer: Protecting and Strengthening Medicare

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:31 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote: (You can view the message online.

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara  Boxer, United States Senator from California
March 21, 2013
Dear Friend:

Today I spoke on the Senate floor about keeping our promises to seniors by passing a budget that protects Medicare. To watch my speech, please click here.

The Senate Democratic budget preserves and protects Medicare so that it is strong for seniors today and will be there for our children and grandchildren.  The House GOP budget put forward by Paul Ryan offers a different vision.  It would end the Medicare promise and leave seniors paying almost $6,000 more out of pocket every year for the health care they need.

A budget is more than just numbers on a spreadsheet – it is a statement of values.  That’s why the contrast between the Senate Democratic budget and the Ryan budget couldn’t be more important.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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