Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rep. George Miller - PROMPT PUBLIC ACTION REQUESTED on the Ryan Budget

Posted: 20 Mar 13
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:48 PM, 
Rep. George Miller wrote, in an email entitled: 
"Why I oppose the Ryan Budget (again)"  

Dear Friend,

It’s been said before, but it’s still true - the national budget is a reflection of our values.  Nowhere will this be more apparent than on the House floor as the third iteration of the Ryan Republican Budget 

... comes to a vote tomorrow.

My Republican colleagues call it a “path to prosperity;” it’s really a “path to pain without any gain”— pain for the middle class, pain for working families and children, and pain for seniors.

The Ryan plan proposes – for a third consecutive year – to end the Medicare guarantee, raise costs for seniors, and undermine a key pillar of seniors’ health and economic security.

Their plan repeals the protections in the Affordable Care Act while counting on the law’s savings and revenues to balance their budget.

And what do you get for this?

Economists estimate this European-style austerity measure will cost two million jobs next year alone, stall our nation’s recovery by decreasing economic growth by 1.7 percent, and cost middle class families as much as $3,000 in higher taxes.

The Ryan Republican budget cuts taxes for millionaires -- again -- and restores $550 billion in military spending from the across-the-board ‘sequester’ cuts that went into effect this month, placing the burden of balancing our budget on the backs of the middle class and the poor.

I’m against this plan 100 percent.

Rather, I support a budget that advances our fundamental values of fairness, opportunity, and equality for all while still making difficult but necessary choices to help our economy and lower our deficit.

The Democratic Van Hollen alternative focuses on our core priorities: creating jobs, growing the economy, strengthening the middle class, and responsibly reducing the deficit. 

Our plan would put 1.2 million more people to work this year than the Ryan budget, invests in education, energy, research, and infrastructure, and keeps our promises to seniors.

*The House is voting Thursday. 

Join me in speaking out on Facebook and Twitter if you agree it’s time 

  • for Republicans to abandon their unpopular and extreme ideological agenda and 
  • work with Democrats and the President instead 
  • to help ensure that all Americans 
  • have a shot at the American Dream.


Member of Congress

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