Friday, November 16, 2012

Early Signs of Holiday Season In East County and...

Posted: 16 Nov 12

I'm starting to see the signs...


This evening, my wife and I had a nice, late dinner at Lumpy's Diner in Old Downtown Pittsburg, 615 Railroad Ave.

I was so pleased to see lots of trees along the Avenue, carefully adorned with white Christmas lights (and some with blue).  It immediately suggested the change of seasons.  But such lights at night almost always give a place a fairyland sort of feel at any time.

It's obvious that the work was recently started and probably progressed at the Recreation and Maintenance Department's typically brisk pace.  There's a little left to do, down toward the Mecca.

We think it's a smashing success already.  It looks beautiful.  Especially after a good rain.  Cool, calm evening.  Nice.

We have Don Buchanan (Director of Recreation and Maintenance) and his team to thank (again!!) for dressing up the street -- among the awesome array of other things he does for us all, with his small staff and contractors.  So, thank you once again, Buck!!!


Recently, I discovered a great website, serving East County -- namely, ANTIOCH, BRENTWOOD, OAKLEY, and PITTSBURG.  The site, is owned and operated by Frank MacCallister.

I am so happy to have discovered Frank's work.  Before I'm done, I want to identify ALL such sites that serve our territories of concern and gather their links, all in one convenient place.  Once we're all joined together, you're never going to miss a thing again.

Take a look at the events calendar he provides. (click here) For starters, you will see that tomorrow, Brentwood will be holding its 30TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARADE, Saturday, 17 November, starting at 2:30 pm.  Among other things, there'll be floats, cars, horses, dance groups and Santa arriving in a beautiful white, horse driven carriage.

It's an early start on the season, but you've got to start it somewhere.  Brentwood's parade is an extremely popular and successful event.  It appears people like getting into the spirit a little earlier.

Frank's calendar and site will help keep you informed.  Be sure to bookmark it.  Thank you, Frank.  You can also subscribe to his e-newsletter which he releases every Thursday.

If you want to expand your reach for your public events (largely for free in this sector of the County), check out Frank's calendar and place your event message with him.

And keep an eye on this Journal  -- the team is growing -- and the mission is crystalizing!

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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