Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Posted on 10/11/12


To provide helpfully reasoned out decision-guides.  To optimize a very big moment in the life of the Republic.  Inside those priceless, private voting booths.  Booths through which the public will empowers and directs the entire democracy at its service.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 5:46 PM, League of Women Voters of California <lwvc@lwvc.org> wrote:

Dear Friend,

You can make a difference! Be sure to vote in this important  election, whether by mail or at the polls November 6.

And help your friends and family by forwarding this message to them.
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The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) has recommendations on five of the eleven measures on the statewide ballot in November: Vote with the League!
  •  Vote YES on Propositions 30, 34 and 40.
    •  Vote NO on Propositions 31 and 32.
    • We are NEUTRAL on Propositions 38 and 39.  

    YES on Prop 30:
     Proposition 30 begins to move California toward financial stability and adequate funding for all the services we want from our government. A YES vote for Prop 30 is an investment for the coming generations.

    NO on Prop 31:
     Proposition 31 is based on good intentions and has some pieces that, taken alone, the League could support. However, Prop 31 has several significant flaws and raises questions about whether or not the provisions allow local governments to alter state environmental and public health requirements.

    NO on Prop 32:
     Proposition 32 promises “political reform” but is not what it seems. It was designed by special interests to help themselves and harm their opponents. It unfairly targets one set of large campaign donors while letting others benefit from special exemptions. Watch the No on Prop 32 ad featuring the LWVC's Second Vice President for Program and Advocacy, Helen Hutchison.

    YES on Prop 34: 
    The SAFE California Act will replace the death penalty in California with a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. Convicted killers will stay in prison for the rest of their lives, saving over $100 million every year.

    YES on Prop 40:
     YES on Prop 40 affirms the Citizens Redistricting Commission’s state Senate maps and upholds the will of California voters who created the new independent redistricting process.
    We see some merit in the following two measures but have taken a neutral position on them because of their earmarking of revenues:

    NEUTRAL on PROP 38We are neutral on Our Children, Our Future, the measure supported by the California State PTA and activist Molly Munger. It provides significant funding for underfunded government services. However, in the longer term, it earmarks essentially all the new money for education and early childhood programs.

    NEUTRAL on PROP 39:
     This measure will close a tax loophole for multistate businesses, generating revenues of about $1 billion per year—a good thing. However, it earmarks about half the new revenue for the first five years, so that portion can only be used for energy efficiency and alternative energy projects.
    For information about our positions,
    1. Refer to the NEW LWVC Web site.
    2. Download our The League Recommends flyer and make copies for all of your friends and neighbors.
    Join the conversation and ask a question on our Facebook page.
    Please note: The League has not studied the issues in, and therefore has no recommendation on, Props 33, 35, 36 and 37.

    VOTE WITH THE LEAGUE ON NOVEMBER 6 and tell a friend!

    Jennifer A. Waggoner
    President, League of Women Voters of California
    P.S. You can also support our work by donating today!

    LWV California                       
    1107 Ninth Street, Suite 300 | Sacramento, CA 95814
    phone: 916-442-7215 | fax: 916-442-7362 | email: lwvc@lwvc.org
    lwvc.org | cavotes.org | smartvoter.org | easyvoter.org
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