Monday, November 12, 2012


Posted: 12 Nov 12


This article announces another exciting new development from our friends at Maya Cinema 16 -- Pittsburg.  They remain tireless in trying to maximize the value of our entertainment dollars and experiences there.

They're at it again!!

What we've been waiting for is almost here.  Last Saturday, House Manager, Amanda Daoud, told me:
  • That the moment is nearly here when we're all going to experience NEW SOUND SENSATIONS only available to 20 other Movie theaters IN THE WORLD -- and only 5 movie theaters IN CALIFORNIA!!  
  • All because of Maya corporate-foresight and a great new breakthrough innovation from Dolby, called ATMOS (click here to experience a taste of ATMOS on the Dolby website).
  • At the bottom of this article, you will find The Maya Cinema complex's ATMOS announcement flyer inserted.
We've already seen the ultimate example of Maya's foresight when they recently took the risk of setting up their beautiful new movie complex here in our midst -- to our eternal delight. (See the blog article, dated August 4)

The Curtain Goes Up!

On Wednesday, 11/14. they will be revealing their new "toys" to the media.  Then, we'll get to experience them:
  • November 21 -- "Life of Pi"
  • December 14 -- "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
By the way, on Sunday, 11/11, my wife and I enjoyed the latest James Bond movie (non-ATMOS) and the sound was already superlative.  I can hardly imagine improvements, but such are the exciting times in which we live.  As we left the auditorium, there was a huge, smiling and eager cleaning staff there to bid us adieu and to get the place spotless for the next group of guests.  


It's wonderful to see all the employment opportunities they are creating for our fine young folks, too.  For many, it's quite probably their first job -- they are practicing, beautifully, how to relate with the public (and each other and their bosses, as a team) and obviously doing it well -- gaining life-long, invaluable skills -- creating a work history -- earning good references -- making new friends -- smiling a lot -- and being paid, to boot!

Further, it seems that Maya has a particularly huge staff -- which is yielding fabulous customer service and security -- as well as creating lots of jobs.

As to Other November events: 

Since my NEAT scanner is giving me fits again, I decided to go ahead and type parts of the November flyer here.  I quote:
  • Visit us on Tuesday for Family Days where *all movies are $5.50 (*excluding Sony Pictures and 3D films)
  • Wednesday is Senior Day!  Tickets are $4.00 for all movies for Seniors (60+) -- *3D is $3.00 more
  • Don't forget to check out our November Classic Series, Thursday Nights @ 7 pm.


Editor's Note
  • And, when you go and find that you had a grand time, don't forget to write a review on Yelp! (click here).  And, if there is anything that displeases you, tell them.  I have no doubt that your concerns will become theirs.  (Can't fix it, if they don't know about it).  Personally, I want them to succeed and show great profit returns (their just rewards!) and never encounter a single difficulty here.  They are now part of the family and I want them to stay here for a long, long time to come.

Movies Opening in November
  1. Breaking Dawn, Part 2 -- PG-13
  2. Wreck it Ralph -- PG (2D & 3D)
  3. Flight -- R
  4. 007 Skyfall -- PG-13
  5. Lincoln -- PG-13 [Hooray -- my hero!!!!!]
  6. Life of Pi -- PG [***ATMOS***]
  7. Rise of the Guardians -- PG


All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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