Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Posted: 13 Nov 12


To help you preserve your well-being in this "brave new world," by laying out a big problem (hopefully in time for you) and by giving you some links to helpful problem-mitigating information.  It is still true that knowledge is power.

It is hoped that you will find power here, as easily as possible, so you don't have to disrupt your days, too much, by searching so hard for it or learning the hard way.  It's sort of a reminder to look both ways before crossing.

Your attention is also invited to another relevant article on this blog, entitled "SCAM ALERT! Work From Home Scam."

What's Up?

They're at it again.  You didn't think they'd stop, did you?  Who?  I mean the poisoners of the great Internet achievement, and thus, our very lives.  And, just as all humans, they are learning how to do their "work" ever more efficiently and convincingly.

Until good ultimately conquers evil (which it shall), we're going to have to stay alert, keep each other informed, learn what the enemy is up to -- at every opportunity, AND HELP PROTECT ONE ANOTHER.

What sparked all of this?

This morning, I received a warning from one of the many computer industry watchdog groups to whom I subscribe.  It caused me to drop what I'm doing, to get this out to you, without delay.  Here is that article, but there is more I can offer you:


Scope of the Problem

There are so many ways that the enemy can fool and trap us -- if we give them a tiny opening --playing on our various needs for more and better goods and services, bargains and savings of precious dollars, our sympathies, our mutual trusts -- anything that they know a good human possesses inside  -- or on our inevitable weaknesses and failings.

Because we humans tend to be ingenious, the variety of assaults on our well-being are countless.


Ideally, my desire is to cut snippets from all the various articles and warnings and to place them all in one convenient article.  But, I not only must respect copyrights, it's my desire and duty to respect the creativity and hard work of fellow humans -- and insure that they get their fair due credit for their efforts.  Besides, they can explain far better than I.

Since, I can't maximize your convenience in that way, the next best thing I can think of is to offer you a trail to follow, so that you can see the lay of the land, as efficiently as possible.


The following are links that I have either examined myself or are from sources I consider to be unimpeachable.  Please examine them carefully and as soon as possible.  Eventually, you will understand at least some of the patterns and specifics that will allow you to minimize your risks.

And, please alert ALL OTHERS WHOM YOU CARE ABOUT.  You may certainly distribute this article as freely and widely as you wish.  I do ask that you consider my own copyright statement, at bottom.  For I have big plans for our futures and need to protect the integrity of the organization I am forming.

Here's to the safe and peaceful and wonderful holiday season you deserve -- as you renew yourself and others, to better play our unique parts in our society's vital work -- toward better days ahead.  We will get there.  We will.

The Links
  • I always ask Google, first, and he or she never lets me down.  Here you go: "scams and malware."   Just go on down the list.  Check a few at each opportunity, till you feel you've gone far enough.
  • Facebook scams -- here is a quick read that should keep you from stepping on land mines in that magnificent Facebook garden of growing friendships and wisdom.
  • For Android users
  • My favorite handy-dandy -- Be sure to keep "Snopes.com" in your tool box.  Like everything, unfavorable rumors can float to the top.  But, you can safely ignore any negatives concerning this fabulous public service.  I have checked them out thoroughly, have used them for years to sort out hoaxes and worse, have read the highly favorable reviews in the "fact-checking" industry and KNOW them to be good, reputable, reliable, and as honest as possible.  You can trust them.

More to Follow
  • This is as far as I can go, right now, because I really wanted to rush this into your hands.
  • As I learn more, so shall you, my friends.
  • Check-in, here, from time to time.
  • And, please tell us what you learn.  You are welcomed and encouraged to share what you know in the comment section below this posting
  • I look forward to the day when I don't have to say, "be careful out there."  And, that day is coming.  We have to believe that and in each other.

David Nelson
Editor & Publisher

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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