Friday, November 9, 2012

MUSEUM: Pittsburg Historical Society -- Fall-2012 Newsletter

Posted: 9 Nov 12
Update: 29 Nov 12 -- New museum winter hours:  Open Wed 1-4 and Sat 11-3.

Purposes of This Article

This article hopes:
  • To raise public awareness of, enjoyment of, and cooperation with this important organization, 
  • To provide a unifying definition of history, in general; 
  • To inform on the Historical Society's (and Museum's) ultimate purposes, website, and schedules; 
  • and, of course, to provide it's Fall 2012 newsletter for your pleasure and information
  • Love of history (in its many parts) is alive and well in Pittsburg -- and anywhere, since curiosity, foresight, and hindsight are fundamental characteristics of our species.  
  • But, my point is that if you do a search on Facebook for "Pittsburg CA History" you'll find that our friends and neighbors are sincerely interested in and knowledgeable about the subject.
  • There is a strong likelihood that you, too, will find conversations in those places to be interesting, pleasing, worthwhile and mutually beneficial.
  • And you will admire that your near and far neighbors share our love of Pittsburg and belief in its great worth
  • In future articles, I expect to publish practical information concerning Genealogy & Family History Management, and some ideas to help simplify the processes of assembling and administering one's family history system -- it is such a fun and worthwhile "Super-hobby" and a highly-treasured gift to the generations -- present, future, and even past generations.
  • At that time I'll try to discuss, in far greater detail, our presence on Facebook and elsewhere, as related to the topic of our history -- and to explore what the friends who run those sites are trying to do and how we can best fit in.
A.  Assumptions

It is believed to be true and undeniable that:
  • History is being made every second -- in everything we do.
  • The City's history is important for residents to appreciate, since self-examination and understanding are key to optimum survival and prosperity and enjoyment within the home territory.
  • Every resident has, in their possession, fragments of the history.
  • If those fragments are not preserved, they risk evaporation and eternal loss.
  • The Historical Society is a key way to accumulate, protect, and display those fragments and build and help tell the total story of Pittsburg -- from living memory and artifacts
  • Like any voluntary organization, more human power and donations are usually needed and hoped for
  • Of course, information and artifacts for display are earnestly sought

B.  General Definitions of History

A set of definitions is respectfully provided, not to insult intelligence, but to insure that we are all on the "same page."

  • A usually chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events: a history of the Vikings.
  • A formal written account of related natural phenomena: a history of volcanoes.
  • A record of a patient's medical background.
  • An established record or pattern of behavior: an inmate with a history of substance abuse.
The branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events: "History has a long-range perspective" (Elizabeth Gurley Flynn).

  • The past events relating to a particular thing: The history of their rivalry is full of intrigue.
  • The aggregate of past events or human affairs: basic tools used throughout history.
  • An interesting past: a house with history.
  • Something that belongs to the past: Their troubles are history now.
  • Slang: One that is no longer worth consideration: Why should we worry about him? He's history!
A drama based on historical events: the histories of Shakespeare.

C.  The Pittsburg Historical Society (and web link) 
[and superbly charming museum]


We are a non-profit organization whose mission is:
  • to collect, preserve, exhibit and educate;
  • to provide bases for research;
  • to invite public participation in programs;
  • to represent the community cultural common wealth
  • to promote civic pride and tourism; and
  • to advance knowledge and nourish the human spirit by preserving the past.

Open to the public:
  • New museum winter hours:  Open Wed 1-4 and Sat 11-3.
General membership meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month when announced.

The Board of Directors meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the dining room on the Cumberland side of the building.


"Published quarterly, our Pittsburg Historical Society Newsletter appears in March, June, September, and December" (A quote from the Society's website).  [Fortunately, there is a "full screen" button (lower right corner of the embedded frame below) for easier viewing.]
Nsltr Fall 2012_1


David Nelson

PS.  I am a proud member of the Society, myself.  What a truly fine group of people.  And boy, do they know how to throw a great party!  Perfect planning, awesome catering, and much care in insuring that all have fun and enriching times -- and what a fabulous venue is to be found in the loveliest of museums.  WHAT A GLORIOUS HOME TOWN IN WHICH TO FIND ONESELF.   Hope to see you there -- and elsewhere.  There are only around 60,000 of us here in Pittsburg -- and hundreds of thousands in our near surroundings and millions beyond who have a stake in our continued successful existence.  We even provide up to 45% of San Francisco's electrical power.

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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