Friday, November 9, 2012

VETERANS DAY, 11/11/12/SUN, EVENTS, Local and Nation-wide

Posted: 9 Nov 12



To publicize relevant links and information for local and national Veterans Day observances


  • This is more than a welcome day off from life's daily cares.   
  • The fact that we even have lives and opportunities to celebrate living, has much to do with what this special day is about.  
  • It is so important, society is even willing to briefly lower its material productivity, every year, in order to clearly demonstrate, to all, the depth of that importance.
  • It is a built-in, pleasing way to teach the generations about things that must never be taken for granted.  Never.  For the awesome cost paid for this eternal observance is beyond reckoning, in terms of burdens nobly borne by the few, on behalf of the many.
  • Sincere thank-you's are always more than mere formalities.

I often proudly wear my black ball cap with the words "U.S. Coast Guard" and "Viet Nam Vet," blazoned in gold. It's a great conversation starter and way to find old comrades.

And, people often say "Coast Guard? I didn't know they were there?" Yet, whenever the country calls, there has been no hesitation to raise our hands, in willing partnership with the rest of our brothers and sisters in arms.

Yet, ALL our fellow Americans serve, civilian and military, at home and often on the front lines. They are keeping our society running, strong and worth defending. What would we do without them? Why bother, without them to serve?

Nowadays, a far cry from those troubled times, the people almost always say, "Thank you for your service." And I never, ever say "You're welcome," though I always appreciate the courtesy from the bottom of my heart.

Instead, I ALWAYS answer, truly meaning it, "It was MY privilege."

The Links

About Veterans Day, in general, (Wikipedia discussion)


Nationwide (Google search)

California (Google search)
San Francisco Bay Area (Google search)
Contra Costa County (Google search)


When to fly the American flag...
The following days are suggested American Flag flying days. However, flags can be flown any day.
  • All Patriotic Occasions
  • State Holidays
  • New Year’s Day, January 1
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Third Monday In January
  • Inauguration Day, January 20
  • Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12
  • Washington’s Birthday, third Monday in February
  • Easter Sunday (variable)
  • Mother’s Day, second Sunday in May
  • Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May
  • Peace Officers' Memorial Day, May 15 (Half Staff)
  • Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May
  • Memorial Day, the last Monday in May (Half Staff Until Noon)
  • Flag Day, June 14
  • Independence Day, July 4
  • Labor Day, first Monday in September
  • Patriot Day, September 11 (Half Staff)
  • Constitution Day, September 17
  • Columbus Day, second Monday in October
  • Navy Day, October 27
  • Veterans Day, November 11
  • Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
  • Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, December 7 (Half Staff)
  • Christmas Day, December 25
  • And such other days as may be proclaimed by the President of the United States

A Message from the Team

Veterans Day honors those who've served in the United States Armed Forces.

Every November 11, a national ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery to honor and thank military veterans. Parades, ceremonies, exhibits, and other tributes to veterans also take place in communities throughout the United States.

Get information about Veterans Day events near you.

Veterans Day - November 11
Many thumbnail images of the 2011 Veterans Day Ceremony at Arlington cemetary
For Teachers & Students

Veterans Day National Committee

Connect with VA!
VA Blog
View VA’s social media directory

National Veterans Day Ceremony

The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery . The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans' organizations and remarks from dignitaries. The ceremony is intended to honor and thank all who served in the United States Armed Forces.

The Veterans Day National Committee also selects a number of regional sites for Veterans Day observances throughout the country. From stirring parades and ceremonies to military exhibits and tributes to distinguished veterans, these events serve as models for other communities to follow in planning their own observances.
For questions and more information about Veterans Day Observances, please contact the Veterans Day Coordinator.

Have a wonderful day and an inspiring renewal of appreciation for services well and faithfully rendered to the generations!!


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