Tuesday, November 6, 2012

LAST MINUTE!! Everything you need to vote!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: League of Women Voters of California <lwvc@lwvc.org>
Date: Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 1:37 PM
Subject: Democracy is not a spectator sport: forward this! Everything you need to vote.

We know most of you receiving this newsletter have already voted. Now you can make a difference by forwarding this email to new and busy voters cramming for election day. This email has all the information they need to vote!

Vote with the League!

The League has recommendations on five of the eleven propositions on the November 6 ballot.

Read, print and share our flyer.

Watch, favorite and share videos about our recommendations
or ask us questions on Facebook.

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yes on 40
Last Minute Voting Help To Make Up Your Own Mind
Review your entire ballot on your computer or via your mobile device using www.SmartVoter.org. Find many multi-media, nonpartisan resources to help you make an informed vote and find your polling place.

NEW! Tired of reading? Still need help understanding the ballot measures? Watch these NEW videos from the LWVCEF and the California Channel.

Ready to go to the Polls?
Remember these tips when you go vote:
-         You can make a mistake on your ballot twice and ask for a fresh ballot
-         You can take notes and your child into the polling place
-         If your name is not on the voter rolls, ask to vote by Provisional Ballot
-         You can not wear campaign gear to the polls
-         You may drop off your vote by mail ballot at any polling place in your county
-         If you encounter problems at your polling place contact the Election Protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE
Read more about voting in person. Questions? Ask us on Facebook.

Please note: The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund provides neutral, nonpartisan voter information and education through services such as SmartVoter.org, the Easy Voter Guide Project, and CAvotes.org. It is separate and distinct from the League of Women Voters of California, which is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates on public policy issues and takes positions on ballot measures.

This Initiative and Referendum Got You Down?
Are you disturbed by the number of initiatives on the ballot?  Or by the control of the initiative process wielded by wealthy individuals and secret special interests? How many times did you have to explain the way the question for a referendum is phrased?
If any of these questions—or any of myriad others raised about the initiative and referendum process in California—interest you, we urge you to contact your local League to find out how you can get involved in our state-wide study of the initiative and referendum process.
If you are not yet a League member, join the League and participate in the study.

LWV California
1107 Ninth Street, Suite 300 | Sacramento, CA 95814
phone: 916-442-7215 | fax: 916-442-7362 | email: lwvc@lwvc.org
lwvc.org | cavotes.org | smartvoter.org | easyvoter.org
© League of Women Voters ® of California
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