Friday, November 9, 2012


Posted: 17 Nov 12 

To our friends in the military, 
or who have loved ones there,
or who have other fond ones serving there 
(and who doesn't?),

In my email box, this morning, I received something that made me think deeply about you (again).  I think it's better to take a chance and post too much, rather than risk withholding something that just might matter to you.

Many of our fellow citizens may not realize how much brain work is involved in carrying out your duties.  I remember countless off-duty hours, reading up on this or that to help me perform better and better -- and to advance up the ladder as fast as I could.

And, this was not unique to me, by a long shot.  For, our military, quite properly, has tough standards and you are expected to be promoted in rank as far as your circumstances will allow -- and that definitely calls for hitting the books, hard -- for lives are very much staked on knowledge -- in an exceedingly complex and hazardous world which you willingly tackle for us, out there in front and on the walls.

I know the military has further mastered the fine art of educating and training its members, since I left the Coast Guard, back in 1981.  And the advent of the Internet, I know, changes everything for our service people -- and opens many doors that didn't even exist back then.  Still, much surely has to rest on your own independent initiative -- to fill in all possible "gaps" in your knowledge.

And, the knowledge you gain during your military life is knowledge that will also power the rest of it.

It's quite possible that you're already well aware of the link, below.  But, just in case, I thought you might like to be told (or reminded) of this opportunity.  I hope this will contribute a little to the great human chain-reaction to which we are all so fortunate to belong.  We're all pulling for you, just as you're pulling for us.

Here's to our present and future Admirals and Generals, Captains and Colonels, Commanders and Lieutenant Colonels, Lieutenant Commanders and Majors, and ... well, you get the idea -- and to our Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers -- and to our magnificent Non-Commissioned Officer ranks -- all of whom work so hard on our behalf -- quite often 24/7!

Here is the site I wanted you to see

I lifted the following from their home page, so you can quickly decide whether this is for you.  It emphasizes the Coast Guard, for the email was addressed to an old "Coastie."  But this coat has many sizes and patterns.  As you can see, this is from the American Military Institute.  This may be your one stop or an added inspiration (I hope) to look for others.

AMU Understands Your Needs as Coast Guardsmen

American Military University (AMU) is the #1 provider of education to the U.S. military* and a respected provider of higher education to adult learners working in the areas of national and homeland security, public safety, and beyond.
As one of the largest providers of academic programs to the U.S. Coast Guard, AMU offers the right blend of mission relevant courses and degree programs to those seeking to enhance their careers in a meaningful way. Our degree programs such as Homeland Security, Intelligence and Criminal Justice are tailor-made for those entrusted with protecting the public, our borders, and security interests around the globe. See why more than 1,000 Coast Guardsmen are current AMU students.
Learn more about our services for veterans and military-spouses.
Many universities say they are "military-friendly", but what does that really mean? Learn what to ask your school to see if they are truly military-friendly.
Browse our programs and schools below or contact our military education coordinator in your area to discuss your educational goals.
*Based upon 2011 DoD enrollment figures for U.S. servicemembers.

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And, here's hand salute to you!  "Ready! Two!"

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