Thursday, November 1, 2012


First posted: 26 Oct 12

1.  Purpose

To impart crucial information concerning personal readiness for Hurricane Sandy, currently threatening the east coast.

2.  Because
  • People here, with relatives and other east coast contacts, may be able to offer practical support, based on the information provided in this article.
  • It is undeniable that a disaster in one part of the country tends to affect us all, directly and indirectly.
  • Besides, valuable object lessons are contained in disaster episodes, anywhere, which can be applied to meet other disasters more intelligently.  
  • Regardless of the agency of the disaster (hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, fire storm, etc), many lessons can be used to increase readiness insights elsewhere.  
  • Thus, this article seizes the chance to present relevant information for local consideration -- to better prepare us for our own potential "disaster-set."
  • Furthermore, at least in theory, we may not be immune to "super-storms" in the western region (see the blog article on ARKStorms).

3.  Background

This afternoon, the following message was received from the U.S. Government:
  • Hurricane Sandy is moving up the eastern coast of the United States. 
  • Learn how to prepare for the storm by visiting
  • Follow the instructions from your state and local emergency management officials.
  • Use the National Hurricane Center's mobile website to track the storm on your mobile device.

Other salient national, state and local information is contained in:

4.  Requested Action
  • Please send a link to this article, as appropriate, toward the east coast.
  • Please take a moment to examine the links and see if they can provide you with relevant information of which you may be unaware.
  • Please help this blog's readership grow, because...  

5.  A Future Vision

Over the near-term, this blog is planned to be used as a knowledge-vehicle to help individuals, families, and neighborhoods to (among other practical things) better organize themselves:
  • so as to methodically anticipate, prepare for, confront, endure, and recover from environmental hazards...
  • in order to help prolong their continued and healthy existence... 
  • aided by their better coordination with each other and with the efforts of government and other pertinent social entities.  
  • For this vehicle to be truly effective, a significant proportion of the local population must be made aware of and regularly monitor this deliberately evolving blog -- and other emerging systems (which will also be introduced by this "vehicle").  
  • Simultaneously, we can share what we build, as we build it, with the rest of our world, to be adapted to suit unique conditions.
  • Maximum momentum build-up in readership growth is considered to be essential.  When our populations can be reached, with regularity, all the many public service entities will have this very same vehicle (this blog sub-system and future others) available as a means to keep us even better informed.  They will be able to reach us, almost instantaneously.
  • Without strong momentum, communication and resource gaps will be too wide to readily overcome within a reasonable time-frame.
  • In my humble opinion, there still exist many "gaps" to be closed between us "ordinary" citizens and the larger social systems designed to use the authority and resources we provide, to enable those systems to function and optimize themselves toward even better days ahead.  Those gaps can and will close with determination,  reason, time, and good will.

Thank you

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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