Sunday, September 16, 2012


Posted:  16 Sep 12

Immediate Applicability.
In the Section, "Literature -- a Sampling," at the bottom of this article, is a link-list  for fast access to good sources concerning some of the available methods for efficiently and effectively studying educational and training materials.

  • To provide information for students, parents, teachers -- and others -- with some basic information as to how to actually conduct this crucial life-long process, "STUDYING," sufficiently well (not that teachers don't automatically know this, quite well -- but, perhaps this will assist them with spreading the word). 
  • It's a whole lot better than having our fellow humans "reinventing their own wheels," thereby wasting precious mental energy and opportunities, unnecessarily.
  • This article hopes to begin to answer the question, "What are the exactly correct steps for doing homework as fast and as well as humanly possible?
  • This article hopes to offer a good start in presenting "BEST STUDY METHODS" and begin accumulating toward a perfected finish, in good time.
  • Parents might also find this a useful tool to guide their discussion and exploration of this topic with their children.
Terminal Objectives 
  • To involve the public in accumulating experiences, ideas and information, on this topic.  
  • To enable me to incorporate growing public sentiment into the design of one more key component of the larger web-based "Citizen Support System," under construction. 
  • To enable readers to help grow the power of this effort, by contributing their ideas, knowledge and experiences -- as comments below this posting (and in other future ways). 


With the opening of another school season, students are faced with a lot of ideas, information and experiences they need to collect, store, organize, understand, absorb and account for.

Effective study is widely understood and securely well-proven to be crucial to understanding and making practical sense of and truly marveling at what has been presented for learning -- often recent learning, but not always recent.

Efficiency is also important.  Clearly, no one has time to lose -- and a young person is especially busy -- for they are still building their life-management systems -- a rather complicated thing to do.

So, it is very desirable that a student be able to make maximum use of available study-time -- so that (among other things) they will have more time to deal with the rest of their concerns, while making the most of their study and new knowledge-needs (thereby, making everyone happy -- for a long, long time to come).

And, good studying skill is not natural knowledge to be pulled out of thin air.

It involves practical "how-to knowledge," in great detail, adequately showing how specific skills work -- and how all of this is demonstrably worth adding to one's life-time skill-set, permanently.  Why, oh why, must our young folks have to keep reinventing what is already so thoroughly worked out?  They need every advantage we can give them.

Else the unprepared student may be condemned to having to figure out things (already well figured-out), committing wasteful and avoidable errors, and feeling -- unnecessarily -- the frustrating disadvantages of missed opportunities and easily avoidable hazards -- often at great personal and social cost, now and in the future.  No more "reinventing of the wheel," please.


Learning is defined as "The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught.

Knowledge is defined as "Information and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Understanding is defined as
  1. Mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation: My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
  2. A mental grasp : comprehension
  3. Intellectual faculties; intelligence; mind: a quick understanding.
  4. The power of comprehending; especially : the capacity to apprehend general relations of particulars.
  5. Superior power of discernment; enlightened intelligence: With her keen understanding she should have become a leader.
  6. Knowledge of or familiarity with a particular thing; skill in dealing with or handling something: an understanding of accounting practice
  7. The power to make experience intelligible by applying concepts and categories.
  8. A state of cooperative or mutually tolerant relations between people: To him, understanding and goodwill were the supreme virtues.
  9. An agreement of opinion or feeling : adjustment of differences.
  10. A mutual agreement not formally entered into but in some degree binding on each side.
  11. A friendly or harmonious relationship.
Study is defined as "The devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject 
  • -esp. by means of books [and by methodical searches through --  virtually -- the entire Human Knowledge Base (HKB) -- as presented, for FULL exploitation by us "ordinary human beings"  -- owing to the very recent birth and strong growth of -- The priceless "Internet Blessing"  -- now resting, easily -- in the hands of those -- properly interconnected with it -- and we will ALL become ever more tightly interlinked -- all in our fate's good time]

  1. Application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection: long hours of study.
  2. The cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law.
  3. Often, studies. a personal effort to gain knowledge: to pursue one's studies.
  4. Something studied or to be studied: Balzac's study was human nature.
  5. Research or a detailed examination and analysis of a subject, phenomenon, etc.: She made a study of the transistor market for her firm.
Practice is defined as acting to "Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency. [REPETITION is the essence of Practice]

Experience is defined as "Practical contact with and observation of facts or events"

(a Sampling, from which to pick, choose, and combine)

Please note:  Right now, this is a basic link-list.  I hope it proves helpful and do intend to refine it. Eventually, it is hoped that a comprehensive analysis of all resources can be conducted so as to distill a clear regimen of those things that are necessary AND sufficient to accomplish study, successfully, for various purposes and for various levels of difficulty in the thing being studied.


David Nelson,

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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