Monday, September 17, 2012

COMPUTER SECURITY!!! Lock Down Your Facebook Profile

This is important information, available from PC Magazine, a leading, highly regarding publisher within the industry.  This is a partial "screen grab" to place the information into your hands, more conveniently.  Please click here to view the full article.

How to Lock Down Your Facebook Profile

If your Facebook profile is too wide-open, malefactors and identity thieves can take advantage of you. Here's how you can ensure you're not sharing with the wrong people.
How to Lock Down Your Facebook ProfileMany millions of people worldwide enjoy connecting with friends and family via Facebook. We get a kick out of sharing baby pictures, funny websites, and our latest adventures. Sometimes, though, we share more than we know, and more than we should. For example, a cyber-creep with access to your profile might be able to answer the security questionsassociated with your online banking account. Scary!

You know you ought to lock down your profile so that only the right people have access, but Facebook makes it complicated. Here's a step by step guide to protecting your Facebook privacy.

Privacy Settings
To get started, log into Facebook, click the arrow to the right of Home, and choose Privacy Settings. You'll see three choices under Control Your Default Privacy: Public, Friends, and Custom. If yours is set to Public, you're sharing everything with anyone who cares to look. Immediately change it to Friends, so that by default only your friends can see your posts, photos, and so on.

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