Sunday, September 23, 2012


Posted:  23 Sep 12

Update: 26 Sept 12
Please also see reference #5, added below, concerning the declared intention of the US Department of Veterans Affairs "to end Vet homelessness by 2015!"


To inform you about a remarkable event that occurs in our midst, every two years.

  • During a 4-day period, from 13 to 16 September 2012, another great "East Bay Stand-Down" was conducted on the Alameda County Fairgrounds, in Pleasanton, California. 
  • In a nutshell, this awesome event involves busing-in of nearly 1000 veterans in crises, to live in a tent city, specially constructed for their benefit, during their 4-day & 3-night stay.
  • Virtually, their every imaginable need is attended to -- such that they receive a "fresh new start" in the race of life.  And, it works, big-time.   Years later, many reinvigorated veterans return as volunteers for this event, "to give back."  (The great human chain-reaction continues, in all its full and glorious display.)
  • Nearly 1000 volunteers from all walks of life donate themselves to this cause -- and come away, recharged with the lasting and deep inspiration of having helped others, while seeing and revealing the best in themselves.  Helping still feels good and volunteerism has always been an important national fuel -- it's very interesting what happens when freedom is at work.
  • Smiles abounded in every face and eye.  
  • The announcement for this latest event is included as Reference #1, below.


Previous Blog Articles and a New Link on This Topic

  1. SERVING VETS: EAST BAY STAND DOWN 13 - 16 Sep 2012 -- announced this 2012 past event
  2. US Department of Veterans Affairs, Website Page: "Homeless Vets," -- National Stand-Down Schedule
  3. HEROES: Speaking of Heroes! "EAST BAY STAND-DOWN" Strikes a Mighty Blow! -- My Synopsis of the Last Event, 2010
  4. HEROES: To help save this world, we need EVERY HERO we can get & 211 -- Quick and Easy Things We Can Do to Help Fellow Humans -- Veterans and Civilians, alike
  5. VA AIMS TO END VET HOMELESSNESS by 2015!!! -- a new find, since this article was first posted


The US Department of Veterans Affairs says it best:
  • Stand Downs are one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ efforts to provide services to homeless veterans.  
  • Stand Downs are typically one to three day events providing services to homeless Veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment.  
  • Stand Downs are collaborative events, coordinated between local VAs, other government agencies, and community agencies who serve the homeless.
  • The first Stand Down was organized in 1988 by a group of Vietnam Veterans in San Diego.  Since then, Stand Downs have been used as an effective tool in reaching out to homeless Veterans, reaching more than 200,000 Veterans and their family members between 1994-2000.
  • The national schedule can be viewed at the link provided as Reference #2, above, and which was the source of the above quote.  It is noted that the largest of these events, "The East Bay Stand-down" was inadvertently excluded and is being brought to the attention of the DVA.

  • I was privileged to be accepted as a volunteer, for the second time.  I plan to never miss these, for as long as I am able -- they are that delightful!  While all the jobs are pleasing, last time, I was fortunate to guard the gate near the cooking tent (very fattening, though).  This time, I got to drive the golf carts, ferrying Vets and Volunteers all over the place.  I've been lucky to be assigned to such cushy jobs.
  • A description of my experiences at this biennial event, last held in 2010, is contained in the blog article, reference #3, above -- and still applies, except that...
  • This time, it was even better.  Partly due to my eager anticipation, I'm sure.  Partly due to the fact that they keep being diligently refined, in light of growing experience.  Yet, they already seemed to be perfection to my eyes.  
  • You really should check out reference #3, in order to begin to understand how beautifully planned and executed these vastly important events truly are.  YOU WILL BE EVEN PROUDER TO HAVE BEEN BORN INTO THIS GREAT HUMAN SPECIES OF OURS!


Non-Veterans are not forgotten, either.  
Just remembered in a different way.

Please see reference #4, for quick and easy measures at our fingertips.  

Given a chance, everyone can be a hero, 
because that's just the way we are!!


David Nelson

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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