Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EASY VOTER GUIDE -- For New and Busy Voters

12 Sep 12

To:      Pittsburg, CA - City-Journal (PCJ)

From:   Easy Voter Guide Project, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund resources online

Subj:  About This Election, Easy Voter Guide Online and Order Guides While Supplies Last

See also: PCJ article, entitled: "Presidential Election Information Accumulator"


 On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Easy Voter Guide Project <> wrote:

EVGP Header Generic

About This Election

In the November 6, 2012 election, California voters will make choices on people who will represent us in national and state government:
  • U.S. President
  • U.S. Senator
  • U.S. Representative
  • State Senator (for half of California)
  • State Assemblymember
This year, California has started a new system for how we choose our U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, State Senators, and State Assemblymembers. For each office, only the two candidates who got the most votes in the June 2012 primary election will appear on voters’ ballots. How we choose the President is unchanged.
California voters will also make decisions on 11 proposed state laws (propositions):
  • Proposition 30 - Temporary Taxes to Fund Education
  • Proposition 31 - State Budget
  • Proposition 32 - Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction
  • Proposition 33 - Auto Insurance Companies
  • Proposition 34 - Death Penalty
  • Proposition 35 - Human Trafficking
  • Proposition 36 - Three Strikes Law
  • Proposition 37 - Genetically Engineered Foods
  • Proposition 38 - Tax to Fund Education and Early Childhood Programs
  • Proposition 39 - Tax Treatment for Multistate Businesses
  • Proposition 40 - Redistricting
Your ballot may also have candidates for local government, such as county supervisor, city council, or school board. Every registered voter will get a Sample Ballot in the mail that has information about local candidates and any local ballot measures. What is on your ballot depends on where you live. Visit and enter your address to get your complete ballot.

This guide is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. Visit to order print copies of it, or to download it as a PDF
Order Your Easy Voter Guides While Supplies Last! 2012 Nov Eng EVG Cover

The Easy Voter Guide is available for the November 6, 2012 General Election. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean, this nonpartisan guide makes a handy educational tool for new and busy voters.

The November 2012 Easy Voter Guide is 12 pages and features explanations about:
  • The eleven statewide ballot measures
  • Candidate info 
  • How to vote, including important dates and useful resources
Guides are available for purchase in bundles of 50 copies for $9.00, not including shipping and handling.

To order now, click here

Copies will begin shipping via UPS 9/24-10/7. Questions? Contact Ralitsa Popova at 916-442-7215.

Produced for statewide elections in California since 1994, the Easy Voter Guide is a collaboration of the League of Women Voters® of California Education Fund and the California State Library.
Key Dates & Deadlines OCTOBER 22, 2012 Last day to register to vote in this election

OCTOBER 30, 2012 Last day for your county elections office to receive your written request for a “vote by mail” ballot.

NOVEMBER 6, 2012 ELECTION DAY Polls open 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Use to find your polling place and entire customized ballot after entering your address.
More Nonpartisan Resources

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