Thursday, September 13, 2012

1 - EMERGENCY WATER: Is it Safe to Store BOTTLED WATER in Hot Cars?

This question has important ramifications for us all -- for all of us are keeping a supply of water in our cars, in case of disasters arising away from our home supplies -- aren't we? (hint)

With the summer heat, built-up in closed, sitting vehicles, it makes sense to wonder about the safety of storing water there.  "Urban legends" have contended that harmful chemicals would leach into the water from the plastic.  The following convincingly denies this.

Here is something relevant from the Nestle Corporation which should put our minds to rest.  Their explanation makes very plausible reference to FDA analyses.  And, here is the Google search which led to this find.

In absence of other information, their report is totally acceptable, at least to me.

If you should discover conflicting information, please advise (by commenting below or directly to me) and I will update this notice.

Thank you,

David Nelson
Not an expert on the matter

Tags: "Health, Emergency Readiness, Drinking-Water"

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