Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rep George Miller -- What would you do with an extra $8,151?

 On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Rep. George Miller <CA07GMIMA@mail.house.gov> wrote:


What would you do with an extra $8,151? Pay down debt? Save for your kids’ college? Put a down-payment on a home?

Women in California are earning 84 cents for every dollar a man earns. That means that by the end of a year, California women have been paid $8,151 less than men.

It’s just not acceptable for businesses in the 21st century to have one wage rate for women and a separate, higher rate for men doing the same work.

And that’s why my colleagues and I are speaking up about The Paycheck Fairness Act. Today, I co-chaired a hearing where we heard from women, including renowned author and activist Barbara Ehrenreich, about the need for this important bill that would close loopholes and update the 1963 Equal Pay Act.

Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues don’t support the bill.  Instead, they spent the afternoon attacking women’s health – again.

Paycheck fairness means that women who do the same work as men should earn the same pay as those men. This is worth fighting for. Don’t you agree? [<== THIS LEADS TO HIS FACEBOOK PAGE -- Editor]


Member of Congress

Tag: "US Congress - California Delegation"

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