Saturday, June 2, 2012


To be sure that readers do not miss certain opportunities to increase the joy, efficiency, and effectiveness of their day-to-day computer operations -- by providing a quick link-list of things I have found and come to value.

More will be added here, as time permits.  The growth of this accumulator will eventually call for better ways to organize the information.  At that time, this blog's parent system should be ready to make things even easier for you -- and to grow the list, without limit -- and with the helpful inputs of more and more others.

Presently, here is how this accumulator is laid out.
  1. FREE APPLICATIONS -- a random link-list; leading industry sources for all sorts of practical tools; and (so far) one excellent tool to automatically assess and quickly report your actual, physical computing set-up.
  2. PAID, BUT OH, SO GOOD -- applications worth far more than they cost -- depending on what you have to do.  And these come with powerful FREE versions without time limits -- buy only when it makes sense for you -- the things sell themselves.
  3. GENERALLY INTERESTING "FACTOIDS" -- material that broadens and deepens our understanding of the marvelous tools at our fingertips (such as "how many books can a gigabyte hold?")
This accumulator will constantly evolve and eventually become cumbersome, as more and more things are added -- resulting in regular tweaking, until a permanent home is ready.

  • SpringPad --  Create notebooks for recipes, books, movies or anything else that matters to you, together with friends, family and co-workers. Save ideas and info from anywhere, access them whenever, and start getting more from life. [VIDEO]
Nice to have, AT HOME AND ON THE GO.

  • Freeplane is free and open source software to support thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the software consists of functions for mind mapping, also called concept mapping or information mapping, and tools for using mapped information. Freeplane runs on any operating system on which a current version of Java is installed and from USB. 
Excellent for graphical thinking. 
[Some helpful VIDEOS, even though these are 
for FreeMind (the old version of FreePLANE -- be sure to get FreePLANE)
For all of us graphical thinkers and designers and communicators.

    (most anything you can think of -- including tons of SAFE, FREE software)
    Practical help in all aspects of the industry, from selecting, purchasing, installing, connecting, training, enhancing, troubleshooting, maintenance, to disposal.  If you need to know a thing, you have a good chance of finding clear answers here -- or being led to the next best place.
    • BelArc Advisor --  builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, network inventory, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, security benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.  

    Saves you from having to physically open your system units or to search elsewhere for crucial information needed to communicate with "help desks" or to do your own trouble-shooting.  (It even gives you information you wouldn't be able to find, even if you did open your systems and look for it.)   And, it is blazingly fast.  Printouts for those files?  No sweat.


      2.  PAID, BUT OH, SO GOOD
      Personal Brain 7.0 -- Organize and Find Everything  the Way You Think... and they mean everything ... files; documents; images; web sites; virtually any computer object you wish to get to, without a lot of bother ... allows you to almost instantly capture, organize, retrieve and refine your ideas and information (e.g. your various writings, systems, projects, etc)... in the way humans think -- when they are in an orderly mood ... FORGETTING NOTHING YOU EVER WISH TO REMEMBER... enables you to create a diagrammed representation of your "mind"... so easy to follow your clearly diagrammed links (and see their relationships) to quickly find what you're looking for... a subdued icon keeps "your brain" at your fingertips ... Superb for graphical thinking, life-management, mastery of web space ... and much, much, much, much more!!!
        One more thing about this awesome program -- YOU CAN TRY IT FOR FREE -- and use it that way for years, if you please.  Even the free version is super-powerful!  It can handle as many entries as your hard drives can hold -- and help you find your way through the whole thing -- and bring the entire internet under your control. THIS MAY BE MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR MANY.  In the coming months, I hope to show you by giving PB7 a prominent role in the "system of systems" I am building to better serve  you.  When you see how easily it enables you to move around the "electronic universe" I'm building for us all, you'll understand how it will help you move around in your own, as well -- if not before.  Why wait?  Download today and start saving those most precious commodities -- your time, information, ideas, money and much else you consider to be resources.  If you don't grow to love it, then you're doing something wrong.  Fortunately, there's no shortage of tools to teach, show, and get you up and running to your heart's content.  I think it should be standard on every computer.

            ... more will be added, a little at a time

            Tag: "Computing Tools"

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