Thursday, June 28, 2012

Senator Boxer -- A Victory for America`s Families

US Senator  Barbara Boxer
News from  Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
June 28, 2012
Dear Friend:
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act is a victory for America’s families, who deserve affordable health care.

The ruling is great news for the millions of Californians who have already seen the benefits of this law – including the six million who now have access to free preventive health services, 355,000 young adults who now have coverage on their parents’ health plans, and 320,000 seniors who have received help in paying for their prescription drugs.

Now Americans will have the certainty of knowing they won’t be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Women won’t be charged a higher premium because of their gender. And families struggling with serious illnesses will not face lifetime limits on coverage.

We will continue to fight Republican efforts to repeal these important health benefits while we work to make sure every American has access to quality, affordable health care.

To read more about how the Affordable Care Act will benefit you and your family, please click here and here.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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 Tag: "US Congress - California Delegation"

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