Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More on the GREAT MAY/JUNE Neighborhood Meetings

Get Involved - Take [even more] Pride in Pittsburg - Come out to a Neighborhood Meeting!
The City is hosting 3 neighborhood meetings this year on May 15th, May 19th, and June 2nd. We will be talking about City programs, neighborhood programs, and local issues. Check out our events page for time and location information or visit [and/or the notice in this blog]
Hope to see you at one [OR MORE] of the meetings! 

[Editor's Note] 
Each meeting is a little different, so you won't waste your time by attending more than just one.
  • I attended two of the EIGHT meetings last November -- and they were absolutely fabulous.  I wish I could have made all of them -- they were that pleasing and practical!  At each one, citizens (and non-citizens) brought up different issues -- and Staff covered different points or expanded upon earlier ones -- so I learned useful things both times.  
  • And I met, for the first time, distant neighbors, whom I now recognize and exchange waves with, as I move about our hometown.  
  • And, it's always great to see the City Council Members (Vice Mayor Nancy Parent was at one of "my" meetings); City Manager, Mr. Joe Sbranti  (presiding); and the contributions of Schools Superintendent Dr. Rondeau, and other officials and support teams.  It seems that a lot of personal time is sacrificed on the City's behalf.
  • We continually benefit from a most favorable set of events, I'd say and do say.
  • And not to imply anything the Staff might be doing this time, but last time, they thoughtfully provided great snacks and very interesting hand-out publications and mementos.
  • And, it's inspiring to see our dedicated and brilliant City Officials and Staff investing their PERSONAL Saturdays to talk, comfortably, with us.  And, their behind-the-scenes sacrifices, on our behalf, astound me each time I detect them -- or hear about it from others -- which are both quite often!
  • Please take time to show them how much we appreciate them and listen to what they wish to tell us -- and tell them what they need to know. 
David Nelson

P.S.  It's also WONDERFUL to note that this is the SECOND round of meetings in SIX MONTHS.  And, last time, Staff gave up EIGHT SATURDAYS!!  I call that dedication, beyond the call of duty.  HAND SALUTE!

Tag:  "Neighborhood Meetings"

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