Thursday, June 28, 2012

6/28 "TelephonicTown Hall" with Congressman Miller -- Affordable Care Act

6/29 -- Last night's phone conference was a great success.  After the Congressman discussed the historical Supreme Court decision, callers were given opportunities to comment and query -- and a great number of callers were heard.  The discussion continues on Representative Miller's Facebook page.

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:


Earlier today, the Supreme Court issued a major decision about the future of the Affordable Care Act. You can read the decision about the health care reform law on the Supreme Court’s website.

Our historic health care reforms are already making a difference: kids with pre-existing conditions can’t be denied health care, millions of young adults have insurance coverage as they start out in the world, and millions of seniors received free screenings at no additional costs.

Today at 6:15 PM pst, I’ll be holding a telephone town hall. Join me to hear more about the Supreme Court’s decision and what it means for your health care. I’ll take your questions and talk more about the impact of this decision and the future of the historic health care reforms.

Join me at 6:15 tonight by calling (888)-886-6602, ext.19185# to participate in the telephone town hall.
And join the discussion today on Facebook.

I look forward to talking with you.


Member of Congress

Tag: US Congress - California Delegation

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