Saturday, June 30, 2012

The White House -- Weekly Address: Colorado Wildfires

The White HouseYour Daily Snapshot for Saturday, June 30, 2012
 Weekly Address: An All-Hands-On-Deck Approach to Fighting the Colorado Wildfires
President Obama speaks to the American people from Colorado, where he toured areas impacted by the devastating Waldo Canyon fire and met with first responders as well as families affected by the fires. The President thanks the brave firefighters and countless volunteers who are providing food, water, and shelter to those in need, and makes clear that his administration will continue to bring all resources available to assist efforts to combat the fires.
Watch the President's weekly address:
President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in Colorado Springs, Colo., June 29, 2012 (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Weekly Wrap Up
Your quick look at this week on
Time to Move Forward:Yesterday the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protecting every American from the worst insurance company abuses. This comprehensive reform enables young adults, seniors, small businesses, and families to better afford health care benefits.
Jobs for Heroes and their Families: On Monday, Vice President Biden announced newVets-to-Cops hiring grants for cities and counties across the nation, which will create approximately 600 law enforcement jobs for post-9/11 veterans. On Tuesday, First Lady Michelle Obama was in Chicago to announce that Illinois has signed the Military Family Licensing Act into law, making it easier for military spouses to transition jobs when they are forced to move by removing restrictions on the transfer of professional licenses. Illinois became the 23rd state to adopt pro-military spouse license portability measures.
Do You Qualify? This week the White House released an interactive tool that helps homeowners determine if they would be eligible to refinance their mortgage. With interest rates at historic lows, refinancing could mean an average saving of $3000 a year. President Obama is urging Congress to pass legislation that would allow homeowners who don’t have federally backed loans to cut through the bank’s red tape, avoid costly processing fees, and refinance even if their home is under water.
We Come Together: This past week Colorado Springs has been dealing with some of the worst forest fires in Colorado’s history. The President traveled to the state today to see the devastation and commend firefighters and other first responders, “We’ve got to make sure that we have each other’s backs. And that spirit is what you’re seeing in terms of volunteers, in terms of firefighters, in terms of government officials.  Everybody is pulling together to try to deal with this situation.”
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