Wednesday, June 6, 2012

City-Wide Neighborhood Meeting Series Concludes

Dear Readers,
Delays, delays.  Sorry. The meeting summary is still on my list -- lousy notes and little life-surprises --but still good stuff -- thankfully, the City Staff is also working on theirs and may beat me to it.  In either case, I will link you to theirs, when it is released, and will continue working toward my own promise.
Yesterday, June 2/Sat, concluded the most recent round of meetings (for the first half of the year) which brought City Hall to our very "doorsteps."  It was so superb and so important, that I need to take time to prepare a careful summary report for you.  So, this version of this posting is merely to tell you that we met, heard and were heard, and that a summary is in the works.

The following retains the original announcement, w/annotations -- until superceded.


Editor's Note:  
1.  This semi-annual round of meetings is a very effective way for neighborhoods to talk directly with the City Manager (Mr. Joe Sbranti) and/or his staff (and to meet each other), regarding any concerns.
2.  Citizens (i.e. ALL residents) are encouraged to inform their neighbors about these meetings and to gather their inputs, especially from those who cannot attend, themselves.
3.  These are very interesting and well-done events -- well worth the time -- FOR THEY GET RESULTS and provide clarity.
4.  Local government has the most direct impact on our day-to-day lives!  And responsive government, such as the one which blesses Pittsburg, is a "pearl beyond price."

Neighborhood Meetings In May, June
Bring City Hall to the Neighborhoods
Posted Date: 5/11/2012
 The City of Pittsburg's Neighborhood Team is hosting three Neighborhood Meetings. The City wants to bring City Hall to the neighborhoods to talk about City projects, local issues and answer your questions. All meetings are open to the public. 

Tuesday, May 15th Marina Vista Elementary 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 50 East 8th Street ~ Multi-purpose Room

Saturday, May 19th Rancho Medanos Jr. High School 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. 2301 Range Road ~ Library

Saturday, June 2nd Highlands Ranch Park 1:00 - 3:00 p.m Rangewood Drive-Gazebo

To have a specific issue addressed at the meeting, please email the City prior to the meeting date at . Check the City's website at at Neighborhood Improvement Team under City Manager's Office or call 252-6975

Quick Update, 5/20/Sun:  
At Meeting #2, I understand that Staff outnumbered the attendees.  Fully intending to be there, myself, I well know how unexpected twists and turns can upset life's balancing act. I am absolutely certain that this is why a larger turnout didn't materialize -- for many others would have surely attended, too, had circumstances permitted (and probably tried).  Saturdays are like that..  
     Still, I heard that it was another case of "time well-spent."  And, I KNOW that the "mere" act of the Staff making these efforts has an extremely beneficial effect -- far beyond the evidence to the eyes. And, as no news is often good news -- we can safely (I think) infer that people are largely content with how things are going -- else the place would have been packed.  
     So, thanks to Staff, again, for making this effort -- and for creating conditions where there's little to complain about.  Their good acts contain messages that are heard, loud and clear, (and are much appreciated) by many -- for the human "grapevine" is an awesome thing to behold -- and getting better with the internet blessing.

Quick Update, 5/17/Thu:  
Meeting #1 had a fantastic turnout -- great discussion -- large Staff presence -- lots of new faces -- interesting info -- great participation -- beautiful school setting -- well done, as expected -- no surprise, that.  Thanks, Vice Mayor Parent, Schools Superintendent Rondeau, City Management Staff and Neighbors!  Great to see you, every single one!  It was a delight to meet our new Assistant City Manager -- Development Services, Garrett Evans, who did a great job facilitating a very productive meeting.




 Neighborhood Meetings --Last Fall -- 2011
(lifted from City Website)


Last Fall, City staff conducted a series of eight neighborhood meetings.  Below are summaries of the issues and concerns from each meeting as well as an overall summary of what each department manages and a summary of the main issues and projects occuring in the City.
 Neighborhood Summaries
Neighborhood A        Neighborhood B        Neighborhood C        Neighborhood D
Neighborhood E        Neighborhood F        Neighborhood G        Neighborhood H
Map of Neighborhoods                                Meeting Date & Times 2011
                                         Map                                            Time 1


A General Description

Overview:The Neighborhood Improvement Team is comprised of City staff representing various departments dedicated to improving neighborhoods.

Mission Statement: Create partnerships with resident to improve the quality of life in our community by identifying and applying resources in response to neighborhood concerns.


In January 2004, the City started an aggressive campaign to improve the communities’ impression of the City and City government while at the same time improving the quality of life in targeted neighborhoods. The result was the creation of Pittsburg’s Neighborhood Improvement Team (NIT). The NIT holds neighborhood meetings throughout the City, listens and documents citizen’s issues/concerns.

Departments which once tried to individually respond to neighborhood issues, now work together, coordinating resources to solve these issues and concerns in a more effective manner to produce noticeable results. The coordination and dedication of all these resources, especially staff time, is used to effect permanent, positive change in the various neighborhoods around the City.

From neighborhood clean-ups to fencing and street tree programs, the NIT has delivered amazing results since its inception. The program has increased citizen responsibility, enhanced neighborhood pride and has improved community relations and involvement throughout the City. The NIT embarked on many successful projects/programs that were all established based on residents concerns and priorities.

The NIT concept is about partnership between the City and its citizen. It is based on the belief that we can do better job by engaging citizens in developing priorities and solutions.

Goals of the NIT: 
• To provide the neighborhoods with the tools and resources to address the neighborhoods’ concerns and issues.
• To focus responses by City departments’ to neighborhood problems and requests for assistance.
• To educate residents about the organizational structure of the City and its services, resources and procedures.
• To ensure that limited City resources are directed to the highest priorities of the neighborhoods.
• To empower residents to take responsibility for solving concerns in their neighborhoods.
• To encourage neighborhood pride.

Tag: "Neighborhood Meetings"

Highschool Village CleanupCentral Addition
Central AdditionBBQ

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