Saturday, June 9, 2012


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 8:21 AM, The White House <> wrote:

The White HouseYour Daily Snapshot forThursday, May 3, 2012
What was your first summer job?
Yesterday Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis announced nearly 300,000 new jobs and employment opportunities geared towards low-income youth 16-24, and launched the Summer Jobs+ Bank, an online job search tool to help aid the summer job hunt.
Check out these videos of senior Administration officials and late-night comedian Jimmy Fallon sharing their stories from their first jobs:
Video: Jimmy Fallon My First Job
In Case You Missed It
Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

My First Job: Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
For Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, connecting young people with summer employment opportunities that provide critical skills and experience isn't just part of her job--it's personal. The Summer Jobs+ initiative will help youth find paid jobs, internships, training programs and other experiences in their communities through one easy online tool.
Innovative Summer Jobs+ Apps Announced
Recently we launched the first-ever White House Code Sprint, challenging app developers to build job search apps using the opportunities found in the Summer Jobs+ Bank. Check out some of the most innovative apps submitted by developers across the country.

Building on Efficiency
Two administration-led, industry-driven efforts are putting Americans to work making buildings more efficient and helping households and businesses control their energy bills.
Today's Schedule
All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
12:30 PM: The President and Vice President meet for lunch
12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney
2:00 PM: The President meets with senior advisors
5:00 PM: The President delivers remarks at a Cinco de Mayo Reception
7:00 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event in Washington, DC. Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on
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Tag: "White House"

1 comment:

  1. On Facebook, Dena said the following:
    "Well, school is almost out, and our young people have a ugly chance of finding jobs. I remember when McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell first opened up here in town, I thought I was to Good to be working at those, with no experience wanted more now that I think about it.

    BUT what I want to know from you is: What advice would you give a graduating student going out looking for a job today? My number 1 is: Wear a belt! #2: Don't go out with purple, pink and green weave in your heads! #3 is don't get discouraged, it you can't find a job, do some voulenteer work, you can get experience from that..any other suggestions?

    Oh yes, and don't go out looking for work like you're going to go out for the evening..dress to impress the employer, not yourself! #RandomThougtsGoingThroughMyMind.

    (thank you, Dena)
