Sunday, August 31, 2014

CM DEVEL. PROCESS: Standing Progress Report / Major Components

Posted:  31 Aug 14

1.  Purposes

This bulletin modifies previous public statements, somewhat, uttered before circumstances changed as they have -- as these changes impact the development of the Civic Mentor and related constructs.
To keep informed, those who are interested in the Civic Mentor Project (CMP), as to general direction and advances (and challenges).  (And, I find I need these little "pep talks.")
To re-inforce the expressed full scope of the project -- the totality of human existence. 
To help increase, as public understanding widens and deepens, public readiness to appreciate, accept, and participate in development and application of the finished products and services -- and should require less energy on the indoctrination and training of volunteer and hired teams -- for longer-term work -- and faster practical end-user adaptation and adoption.
To help me lock-in my serious and public commitment to action and to assist system-building administration.  Both considered to be essential to ultimate success.

2.  Overview

For now, I am relying, chiefly, on bulletin-board (blogs) to help define and present the "seeds" of permanent web-objects, logically categorize their contents; and populate them with practical ideas and other information and data -- more efficiently -- WHILE simultaneously placing any useful information in public reach, sooner rather than later.

Here is the overall landscape for this project, as it presently appears.


FLESHING-OUT THE BB's: I have begun populating them with dynamic and static information -- to depend, primarily, on automation -- for example, via direct email-subscriptions from the sources directly to the bulletin boards.  That should help celebrate and spread the contributions of increasing numbers of fellow humans and keep them visible, to ease your recall and use of them, till they become part of habitual routines (if that's in the cards) -- and until migrated to more intuitive, permanent systems.
I expect to continue to use major revision-numbers in the title-line of this report (a change-accumulator) to signal to you significant changes.  


As Blogs (and other significant web-objects) develop, they will be moved to this category and hyper-linked to this section.

POPULATING THE BB's WITH AUTOMATIC INFORMATION should become apparent within a few days (but my predictive powers are not yet reliable).  Copy-right concerns will have to be managed and may result in hyperlinks to them, rather than pulling them onto the BB's as actual specimens.  

Civic (Public) Mentors are publicly-oriented;
Personal Mentors are inward-looking:

5.  VERY NEXT SUB-PROJECTS (not yet completed and activated)

a.  IMMEDIATE NEXT PRIORITIES -- this is the general order of work, but simultaneity is a marked and most fortunate tendency -- for the modules must each be at least partially built, pretty much at the same time, due to the tight interdependencies.  Each level suggests considerations for all the rest -- and the details must be captured, blended and balanced, when recognized:
  • Civic Mentor / Neighborhood-Level -- this is one absolute "linch-pin" at one end of the Civic Mentor spectrum.  The second linch-pin at the other end of that spectrum is the National-Level.  Both are essential to logical consistency throughout the entire scope of the project, as far as a comprehensive nationally-scoped social-strategy is concerned.  
  • Civic Mentor / National-Level
  • Civic Mentor / National-Level / Economic / The Work Place
  • Civic Mentor / County-Level / CA / Contra Costa County
  • Civic Mentor / Areal-Level / CA / San Francisco Bay Area
  • Civic Mentor / State Level / CA / California

  • Personal Mentor / Individual-Level -- to contain, among other things, a personal "control panel" to help conveniently manipulate all the other mentors from an intimate standpoint.
  • Personal Mentor / Family-Level
  • Personal Mentor / Household-Level
  • Missing Link -- it seems to me that an additional level belongs here -- not sure -- has to be determined as the project dictates.
  • Civic Mentor / Global-Level
  • Civic Mentor / Universal-Level
  • Civic Mentor / Other States, Areas, Counties, Cities, Unincorporated Communities -- brought forth on a continuing basis as opportunity can be created
  • Civic Mentor / Humankind -- summarizing, empowering, and over-arching all the rest
  • Institute the Parent Corporation -- "The Mentor Enterprises / ELMS" (c. 2016)
c.  While the above is linear in appearance, that's just for ordering, emphasis, and focus -- but all have to advance toward the target, largely together.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

Friday, August 29, 2014

MAGICAL MARTINEZ -- Lovely County Seat for Contra Costa

Posted:  29 Aug 14

​​Friends, this Yelp review speaks for itself (and me).  Would I deliberately steer you wrong?

David Nelson

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 10:09 AM, California Magic Club <> wrote:

LABOR DAY WEEKEND August 29 & 30

On the California Magic Club Stage
The Elegant Magic of Jeffrey Korst

Come see the sophisticated magic of Jeffrey Korst this weekend.  This award winning magician has traveled all over the world, from Japan to Europe performing in hotels, cruise ships, ice shows, and state fairs throughout the United States. The California Magic Club family is excited to share this talented gentleman with our audiences on Friday and Saturday night. Your host and master of ceremonies Gerry Griffin, will be joining Jeffrey on stage for all the fun.


Presented by The History Channel

The two-night scripted miniseries HOUDINI follows the epic tales of Harry Houdini and how he emerges as America's first bonafide world-renowned superstar.  Starring Adrien Brody as Harry Houdini, follow the man behind the magic as he finds fame, engages in espionage, battles spiritualists and encounters the greatest names of the era, from U.S. presidents to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Grigori Rasputin.



The California Magic Club ticket office located in historic downtown Martinez is open: 
Wednesday thru Saturday, 12PM to 5PM

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube Visit our blog
California Magic Dinner Theatre | | Martinez, California 94553

California Magic Club | 514 Main Street | Martinez | CA | 94553

NEW CIVIC MENTOR BLOG!! ============= CITY-Level / Pittsburg,CA

Posted:  29 Aug 14


1.  I am pleased to announce the beginning of the Civic Mentor bulletin board, dedicated to serving the People and City of Pittsburg, CA.  Please click here -- OR, for the long-term, click "Pittsburg" up in the horizontal menu bar (of this main bulletin board).

2.  The very first bulletin on the new blog will tell you more.  But, in a nutshell, this is the beginning.  Eventually, all things having to do with the City will generally no longer appear in this bulletin board, which must be developed for purely system-building and delivery and explanatory purposes.  For this blog -- AND THE CIVIC MENTOR CONCEPT -- are to serve our ENTIRE NATION -- and eventually, the ENTIRE WORLD.

3.  Since I won't be able to tend the new blog as closely as I desire, over the short-term -- I will begin to arrange for automatic updating by reliable, relevant information feeds -- in addition to my in-depth treatment of the topics -- as opportunity permits.

4.  PLEASE NOTE:  The new Police Department Bulletin Board link has been moved to the new City-blog's horizontal menu-bar and removed from this one.

Happy Friday, friends,

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

WHAT HAPPENS: With One Glance at a Book

Posted:  29 Aug 14

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Pittsburg Mettle Baseball - Final Games of 2014 Season

Pittsburg Mettle Baseball - Final Games of 2014 Season
Posted Date: 8/27/2014


CONTACT: Cris Franklin
Pittsburg Mettle

The Pittsburg Mettle return home to City Park for the final six games of the 2014 season. The Mettle have won the last three out of five series and are looking to finish strong in their inaugural season. The Mettle will host the first-place San Rafael Pacifics Tuesday through Thursday and the third-place Sonoma Stompers Friday through Sunday.

The Mettle have added a taco bar to the food concessions and there is still plenty of fun left to be had at City Park. It has been an incredible inaugural year for the Pittsburg Mettle, and they are going to finish the regular season with all they have. The team is hoping for a lot of support in the home stretch.

"These last games are a great time for fans to come out and meet the players before the game, win free raffle prizes and hear our own Mettle player sing the National Anthem on August 31st!" said Cris Franklin, owner of the Pittsburg Mettle. Join the fun and excitement of Contra Costa County's only professional baseball team from Tuesday, August 26th through Sunday, August 31st.

For tickets, schedule and information go to:, City Park is located at 60 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, CA. Tickets are also available at the gate, or at the Railroad Book Depot.


Courage Spirit Fortitude
What are you made of?

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

COMEDY / Pittsburg's California Theatre / 13 Sep 14 / at 8 pm / Special Offer

Posted: 26 Aug 14

351 Railroad Ave  ~~  925-427-1611  ~~  Tues - Fri / 12:00 to 5:00 pm


1.  We’re so glad you joined us for the debut of our monthly comedy series at the California Theatre!  
From the satire of Karinda Dobbins, to the goofy zaniness of Phil Johnson to the brilliantly funny insights of comedy veteran Dennis Regan, there was something for everyone.   
And, the funny is just beginning!   
To say thank you for being a part of our first comedy show at our beautifully restored theatre, we have a special offer for you.
2.  Anyone who bought tickets to our August 9th comedy show is eligible to buy one ticket and get one free for the next monthly comedy show on September 13th. 
That's right! You can get two for the price of one tickets for September! 
You'll need to purchase your tickets at the Box Office or give us a call at 925.427.1611.
You won’t be able to take advantage of this special offer on the internet.
3.  The next show is a very special comedy showcase.  Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 8:00 PM 
Our headliner, Jeff Applebaum, handpicked the slate of comics that will be appearing on our stage.  Joining Jeff will be Joe Nguyen, Dan Naian and Rocky Cologne.  (FOUR COMICS!)

Jeff Applebaum's clean and smart comedy examines his particular life experiences, which include being the only white kid on his Little League team in Queens, having a Chinese wife who orders from take-out menus in fluent Mandarin, and raising a pre-teen son who calls himself “Jewnese,” because he says it sounds better than “Chine-ish.”

Jeff recently made his national TV debut on CBS as a comedian on the "Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson."

Jeff was cast by Sandy Hackett, the late Buddy Hackett's son, to play the principal role of Joey Bishop in the long-running musical tribute "The Rat Pack Is Back," in San Francisco, Chicago, and Las Vegas. Jeff is also credited and appears in the blockbuster film "The Pursuit of Happyness," starring Will Smith.

Jeff has been entertaining people all around North America for over 20 years, including audiences of more than 10,000 people at the ARCO Arena in Sacramento and the Anaheim Convention Center. His down-to-earth style and resemblance to popular TV characters has led to great shows at clubs, colleges, and corporate functions.

Jeff won the "Comedian of the Year - 2003" in the SF Bay Area Cabaret Competition. Prior to comedy, Jeff worked as an engineer, using his two degrees from MIT.

Smart comedy for thinking adults 
Recommended for ages 18 and over

Crystal Watts  
Theatre Manager - California Theatre
351 Railroad Ave - Pittsburg CA 94565


Posted:  26 Aug 14

(and yesterday's and tomorrow's)

1.  Well, friends ---
I was really looking forward to it -- until I checked.  Tomorrow was supposed to be the BIG night!
But this article says it all
And, Wikipedia reaches back and shows us that this hoax has been in play, at least since 2003.  Here, see for yourselves.
And, of course, Google chimed in with 117 million results -- I didn't check them all, but the first page was consistently certain that this is a hoax.  I'm satisfied.

2.  Just saying...

It seems a dreadful waste of human energy to concoct and spread these quite-often harmful hoaxes and rumors -- both for the few senders who do the mischief and for the busy, unwary multitude of receivers who have mud pointlessly thrown in their faces.  
I find it to be a full-time job, just managing good information.  Sorting out the bad stuff compounds the complexity and deters people from doing what they might otherwise have done with the same energy and time  That can't be a typically good thing to do.  How does that help anyone better themselves -- pursue their rightful well-being?  It doesn't.  IT HINDERS FELLOW HUMANS. 
Therefore, it's immoral. Quite so!

Oh well, human nature is human nature until we figure out how to discipline its harmful excesses.  Add another social duty to our to-do list, good citizens!

3.  While we're on the subject...

If you are not aware, there are at least THREE excellent, easy-to-reach, basic fact-checking tools -- worthy of any conscientious power-user's toolkit -- to help us screen garbage out and stop its spread, dead in its tracks: is a reliable, excellent fact-checker that seems to quickly dispel almost every "urban legend."  They're that good, well-connected, and powerful.  Never heard of Snopes?  Here are some reviews.  I testify that I have used this magnificent free service for years and it hasn't let me down yet.  And, if Snopes doesn't know something, chances are, other fact-checkers may have something to contribute.  I see them as a fine, public-spirited team.
A simple set of Google searches, that ask better and better questions -- until the right answer can be made to appear -- is a very effective way to get a pretty good handle on most any subject.
And, of course, never, never underestimate the Wikipedia blessing.
There are thousands, no, MILLIONS of good-hearted souls out there who are more than able and willing to FREELY (or at lowest possible cost) help us maintain the purity of the precious human knowledge base (HKB) -- while not exploiting our vital dependence on good information "insurance."   

TO DO THE BEST GOOD, WE NEED THE BEST INFORMATION WE CAN GET.  The truism "garbage in, garbage out" is an irrefutably invaluable and simple and imminently practical guideline.

4.  I respectfully submit that it's everyone's job to keep that awesome human treasure -- that HKB -- uncontaminated and useful.  

We're all "supposed" to be 
FACT-CHECKERS and HKB-protectors.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

City of Pittsburg: Culinary Crawl Finale - Selling Out Fast

Culinary Crawl Finale - Selling Out Fast
Posted Date: 8/26/2014

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Posted:  26 Aug 14


Red CrossAre you prepared?
Dear Friend,

At 3:20am on August 24th a 6.0 earthquake struck Napa County, California damaging historic buildings, rupturing gas lines and water mains across Napa, Sonoma, and Solano counties, leading to multiple fires and buckling cracks on major roadways. Many families and individuals brace for possible aftershocks, and thousands more will seek aid in the days to come as they begin to repair the damage to their homes and communities.

Thanks to the support of our donors, the Red Cross was there immediately providing help and relief to first responders and families in need.

Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning, and they can occur at any time of the year, day or night. Forty-five states and territories in the U.S. are at moderate to very high risk of earthquakes, and they are located in every region of the country.

Are you prepared for a major earthquake? Download our Earthquake Preparedness App and be ready and learn to Drop, Cover and Hold On.


Emergency preparedness is vital to you and your loved ones' everyday safety. Learn how you can be ready by creating a preparedness plan now.

Last year we responded to 817 local disasters and assisted 1,575 families across our regions.  We don’t know when the next emergency will strike, but we know we must be ready.

The Red Cross responds to nearly 70,000 disasters a year, from home fires, to severe storms to earthquakes.  Please consider making a gift to Red Cross Disaster Relief today.

Mark Cloutier

Mark Cloutier
Regional Chief Executive Officer,
Gateway to the Golden State Region
Tim Miller
Tim Miller
Regional Chief Executive Officer,
California Northwest Region


Posted:  26 Aug 14
Update #2:  27 Aug 14 --  I've taken the liberty of sprinkling a few added thoughts, here and there, based on my own training and life-experiences -- which I hope will add even greater value to this excellent, typically public-spirited offering from our Mayor Evola,    -- David Nelson

Scope:  Unlimited

A Message from Mayor Sal Evola, Pittsburg, CA

All of us were rattled by Sunday's 6.1 earthquake (click here) and our hearts go out to the citizens of Napa.  While Pittsburg and Bay Point, by and large, did not sustain damage, yesterday’s quake is a reminder that another big one could be devastating for all of us.  

Below are some important tips to remaining safe before, during and after a major earthquake:

A.  Before an Earthquake:
In other words, imagine what it would be like to actually experience these nasty events (YouTube, Google, and Wikipedia, among other things, are invaluable).  Imagine all the things that might go wrong -- especially since they have done so to others -- learn from the lessons others have paid such high-cost for us to know.  Then provide for all those things you wouldn't like to have happen to your or yours -- DN

- Check your home for earthquake hazards, and secure items that may be vulnerable to shaking.
- Bolt down or provide other strong support for water heaters and other gas appliances, since fire damage can result from broken gas lines and appliance connections.
- Place large or heavy objects on the lower shelves. Securely fasten shelves to walls. Brace or anchor high or top-heavy objects.
- Keep a 7-10 day supply of food and water. To maintain freshness it is important to rotate this stock periodically.
- Hold occasional home earthquake drills in your household to provide help, avoid injury and panic during an earthquake.
- Create a family emergency communications plan and make sure everyone knows what to do.  Take a few minutes with your family to establish a plan for how and when to reunite after an earthquake.
- Teach responsible members of your family how to turn off electricity, gas, and water at the main switch and valves. 
- Provide responsible members of your family basic first aid and C.P.R. training.  Call Red Cross Safety Services for information about training classes.
- Keep a flashlight and a battery-powered transistor radio in the home, ready for use at all times. Keep fresh batteries with these items.

B.  During an Earthquake:
In other words, protect yourself from things that could shake loose (the forces are awesome), fall and crush something important -- aided by other destroyers which fate might choose to throw into the mix.  We are not always likely to think fast enough to meet sudden threats -- hence, having a plan in mind, developed while cool thought is still possible -- re-programming ourselves (and loved ones) to do the right thing AUTOMATICALLY -- training our REFLEXES -- is a most sensible precaution -- and is even a most interesting, fun exercise of our mental faculties and teamwork -- DN

DROP — DROP down to the floor.  

COVER — Take COVER under a sturdy piece of furniture.  If that is not possible, seek COVER against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms.  Avoid danger spots near windows, hanging objects, mirrors, or tall furniture.  

HOLD — If you take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, HOLD on to it and be prepared to move with it.  HOLD the position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.

- If you’re in a HIGH-RISE BUILDING, and you are not near a desk or table, move against an interior wall, and protect your head with your arms.  Do not use the elevators.

- If you’re OUTDOORS, move to a clear area, away from trees, signs, buildings, or downed electrical wires and poles.

- If you’re on a SIDEWALK NEAR BUILDINGS, duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster, and other debris.

- If you’re DRIVING, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses, power lines, and other hazards.  Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.

- If you’re in a CROWDED STORE, do not rush for exits.  Move away from display shelves containing objects that could fall.

- If you’re in a WHEELCHAIR, stay in it.  Move to cover, if possible, lock your wheels, and protect your head with your arms.

- If you’re in the KITCHEN, move away from the refrigerator, stove, and overhead cupboards.

- If you’re in a STADIUM or THEATER, stay in your seat and protect your head with your arms.  Do not try to leave until the shaking is over. 

C.  After an Earthquake:
In other words, it ain't over till it's over -- and few  of us can be absolutely certain exactly when the whole drama is truly over.  And, things might be still being going on -- which we would certainly take care of -- had we only known, in good time -- that they are happening or about to do so.  The quake was surely a surprise -- and may be a terrible gift that keeps on giving us sharply-surprising blows, for a while -- DN

Remember, aftershocks may occur, so be prepared to Drop, Cover, & Hold.  After an earthquake, be prepared to: 

1. Check for injuries to your family and your surrounding neighbors. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in danger of further injury.

2. Check for fires or fire hazards.

3. If indoors, check the structural aspects of the building, if any part of the structure appears to be unsafe, evacuate the building until a more detailed inspection can be made. Buildings that are damaged by the main shock could receive additional damage from aftershocks.

4. Wear shoes in all areas near debris or broken glass.

5. Do not touch downed power lines or objects touched by the downed wires.

6. Immediately clean up spilled medicines, drugs, and other potentially harmful materials. Use extreme caution when cleaning up spilt chemicals, they may have mixed with other chemicals during shaking and could cause harmful effects. Open windows to provide ventilation. If you begin to feel any effects from the material that you are handling, stop what you're doing and seek medical help.

7. Check for damaged utilities. Inspect for leaking gas lines by smell only; do not use candles, matches, or other open flames. If you smell gas, open all windows and doors so gas can escape. Shut off the main valve at your gas meter, leave the house immediately, and notify authorities of the leak. Do not re-enter the house until repairs have been made and the dwelling has been declared safe. If water pipes are broken, shut off the main valve which brings water into the house. If the house is properly wired, internal trouble with the electricity is very unlikely. If there is a short circuit, turn off the electricity at the meter box.

8. If water is off, emergency water may be obtained from melted ice cubes, from canned vegetables, from toilet tanks (if no bluing or sanitizing chemicals have been added), from swimming pools and spas, and from water heaters (strain this water through a clean handkerchief first).

9. Check to see that sewage lines are intact before permitting continued flushing of toilets.

10. Do not eat or drink anything from open containers near shattered glass. Liquids can be strained through a clean handkerchief or cloth if the danger of glass contamination exists.

11. If power is off, check your freezer and plan meals to use up foods which will spoil quickly.

12. Use outdoor charcoal or propane broilers for emergency cooking. Do not bring these items indoors. The accumulation of fumes from their use can be deadly.

13. Do not use your telephone except for genuine emergency calls.

14. If you have a chimney, check its entire length for cracks and damage, particularly in the attic and at the roof line. Unnoticed damage could lead to a fire or collapse in aftershocks. The initial check should be made from a distance. Approach chimneys with caution.

15. Check closets and storage shelf areas. Open closet and cupboard doors carefully and watch for objects falling from shelves.

16. Do not spread rumors. They often do great harm following disasters.

17. Tune-in to local radio stations for information and danger reports.

18. Do not go sightseeing. Do not use your vehicle unless there is a genuine emergency. Keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles.

19. Be prepared for additional aftershocks. Although most of these are smaller than the main shock, some may be strong enough to cause additional damage.

20. Respond to requests for help from police, fire fighting, civil defense, and relief organizations, but do not go into damaged areas unless your help has been requested. Cooperate fully with public-safety officials. In some areas, you may be arrested for getting in the way of disaster operations.

21. Information concerning the welfare of separated family members will be handled by the American Red Cross. Do not call or go to the police or fire department for this information.  If you have an emergency communications plan in place, use it instead.

The above information is provided by the Central United States Earthquake Consortium.  Please pass this on to your family, friends and neighbors.  Thank you and please be safe.

Sal Evola
Committee to Elect Sal Evola for Pittsburg City Council 2014
P.O. Box 647
Pittsburg, CA 94565
ID No. 1289770