Monday, August 18, 2014


Posted:  18 Aug 14
Update #2:  18 Aug / 09:00 am -- Added remarks about "patriotism."
Update #3:  18 Aug / 10:15 am -- Deepened the conceptual analysis of the term
Update #4:  18 Aug / 10:21 am -- Found & seized opportunity to impart more insight into Civic Mentor

I thought you might find this interesting!

Did you realize John Philip Sousa's masterpiece, Stars and Stripes Forever, has lyrics which he, himself, wrote?  I realized it as I was working on the Civic Mentor / National Element.  I'm discovering so much more about this grand nation, by this project -- things I will be sure to make better known, if I can -- for they are so worth knowing.  

The more we know, the better we can participate and help govern things 
-- as "We the people" are blessed with the privileged-duty of doing.  

And, if we help one another "mentor" our private and civic lives -- through life's awesome complexities -- only the laws of nature and capricious fate can ever dampen the human species' otherwise inevitable success as a gloriously self-bettering and self-fulfilling life-form.

We ALL possess genius within our rational minds -- if we're fortunate enough to discover and develop this power (and there's plenty of help for this, if made systematically available -- which I shall help us do) And if we couple and apply that with sincerest, widest "good will," we can't help but fulfill our self and public mentoring roles, 
with the great style of which we are capable.

Anyhow, you might be tempted to try out these words with the well-known tune, yourselves -- I did and it was fun.  Think I'll learn 'em, so I can think them (er... under my breath) as I hear the song in the future.  Enjoy!  As usual, they are delivered by that human blessing, Wikipedia.

David Nelson

P.S.  A NOTE ABOUT THIS "PATRIOTISM THING."   I'm pretty sure I'm no more patriotic than most.  It's just that this Civic Mentor project gives me more opportunity to think about it, deeply -- and express it, boldly -- and demands that I do.

Wikipedia defines the term, thusly: "Patriotism is, generally speaking, cultural attachment to one's homeland or devotion to one's country, although interpretations of the term vary with context, geography and political ideology."  The Wiki-discussion goes on to explore the concept further (click here).  

It's natural and generally good to feel such sentimental, deepest attachment to this life -- STRONGLY -- either automatically or DELIBERATELY!  If we don't, then who will?  It gives us reasons for our reasons -- and makes us want to preserve that which is worth passing down the generations, intact and enhanced.  And, when balanced with even wider concerns for our WHOLE, gifted species of life -- well, I think we have a formula that moves us in the direction of building a pretty full, optimized existence for everyone -- FAR BETTER THAN ANY OTHER AVAILABLE WAY.  What else is there that's better to do with this precious life-gift?

Sousa's lyrics
[First Strain]
Let martial note in triumph float
And liberty extend its mighty hand
A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
The banner of the Western land.
The emblem of the brave and true
Its folds protect no tyrant crew;
The red and white and starry blue
Is freedom's shield and hope.

[Second Strain]

Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.

(repeats) Other nations may deem their flags the best

And cheer them with fervid elation,
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.


Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray
That by their might and by their right
It waves forever.

[Repeat of the First Strain]

Let eagle shriek from lofty peak
The never-ending watchword of our land;
Let summer breeze waft through the trees
The echo of the chorus grand.
Sing out for liberty and light,
Sing out for freedom and the right.
Sing out for Union and its might,
O patriotic sons.


Hurrah for the flag of the free.
May it wave as our standard forever
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
That by their might and by their right

It waves forever.

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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