Friday, August 15, 2014

NATIONAL WEEK OF NON-VIOLENCE >>>>>>>>>>>> 8/16/SAT thru 8/23/14/FRI

Posted:  15 Aug 14



National Summit Council

About the Sponsor: (click to read more...)
Black Women for Positive Change is a national policy-focused network of predominately African American women and “Good Brothers” from States including: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, New York, Texas and Virginia.
In 2013, the network has two primary goals:  (1) To positively contribute to ideas and methods that can strengthen and expand the American Middle/Working class, with an emphasis on the African American community; and (2) To Change the Culture of Violence in America. 
Objectives of the network are to:
  • Advocate on behalf of positive change in national, state and local initiatives regarding gun violence, non-violence and community-based advocacy for conflict resolution—particularly for youth. 
  • Increase the quality of dissemination of information about significant government policies and programs through partnerships, media and social networking tools. 
  • Increase utilization of the professional and practical experience of members to improve the quality of public discourse regarding policies and programs. 
  • Evaluate existing government programs and identify recommendations that may improve the quality and effectiveness of federal, state and local tax-supported government programs.  



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