Saturday, June 30, 2012

The 2012-2013 Federal Duck Stamp

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 1:06 PM, U.S. Department of the Interior <> wrote:
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06/29/2012 01:47 PM EDT

The 2012-2013 Federal Duck Stamp went on sale today across the United States, giving hunters, stamp collectors and anyone who cares about migratory birds and other wildlife an easy way to help conserve their habitat. Ninety-eight percent of proceeds from sales of the stamp are used to acquire and protect vital wetlands supports hundreds of species of migratory birds, wildlife and plants.

The new stamps are now available at thousands of post offices, Bass Pro Shops and other sporting goods stores and retail locations across the country, and can also be purchased online here.

Artist: Joseph Hautmann 

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Tag: "Land Management"

The White House -- Weekly Address: Colorado Wildfires

The White HouseYour Daily Snapshot for Saturday, June 30, 2012
 Weekly Address: An All-Hands-On-Deck Approach to Fighting the Colorado Wildfires
President Obama speaks to the American people from Colorado, where he toured areas impacted by the devastating Waldo Canyon fire and met with first responders as well as families affected by the fires. The President thanks the brave firefighters and countless volunteers who are providing food, water, and shelter to those in need, and makes clear that his administration will continue to bring all resources available to assist efforts to combat the fires.
Watch the President's weekly address:
President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in Colorado Springs, Colo., June 29, 2012 (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Weekly Wrap Up
Your quick look at this week on
Time to Move Forward:Yesterday the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protecting every American from the worst insurance company abuses. This comprehensive reform enables young adults, seniors, small businesses, and families to better afford health care benefits.
Jobs for Heroes and their Families: On Monday, Vice President Biden announced newVets-to-Cops hiring grants for cities and counties across the nation, which will create approximately 600 law enforcement jobs for post-9/11 veterans. On Tuesday, First Lady Michelle Obama was in Chicago to announce that Illinois has signed the Military Family Licensing Act into law, making it easier for military spouses to transition jobs when they are forced to move by removing restrictions on the transfer of professional licenses. Illinois became the 23rd state to adopt pro-military spouse license portability measures.
Do You Qualify? This week the White House released an interactive tool that helps homeowners determine if they would be eligible to refinance their mortgage. With interest rates at historic lows, refinancing could mean an average saving of $3000 a year. President Obama is urging Congress to pass legislation that would allow homeowners who don’t have federally backed loans to cut through the bank’s red tape, avoid costly processing fees, and refinance even if their home is under water.
We Come Together: This past week Colorado Springs has been dealing with some of the worst forest fires in Colorado’s history. The President traveled to the state today to see the devastation and commend firefighters and other first responders, “We’ve got to make sure that we have each other’s backs. And that spirit is what you’re seeing in terms of volunteers, in terms of firefighters, in terms of government officials.  Everybody is pulling together to try to deal with this situation.”
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Tag: "White House"

Friday, June 29, 2012

Senator Boxer: Protecting Students from Loan Rate Hikes

US  Senator Barbara Boxer
News  from Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
June 29, 2012
Dear Friend:

Today, the House and Senate passed legislation that will keep interest rates on student loans from doubling from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1.  This vote will save 570,000 California students from having to pay thousands more for their education. Too many students and their families are struggling with the rising costs of college, and this legislation will help keep college affordable for all our families.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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Senator Boxer: Creating Jobs and Moving America Forward

US  Senator Barbara Boxer
News  from Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
June 29, 2012
Dear Friend:

Today, the Senate voted 74 to 19 to pass our bipartisan House-Senate transportation bill, which will save and create about three million jobs in California and across America, provide a boost to the economy by rebuilding our roads and bridges, and make our nation more competitive.  To read more, please click here.

As Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I worked closely with Democratic and Republican colleagues in the House and Senate to develop and pass this vital legislation.  The bill, which passed the House earlier today with an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 373 to 52, will now go to the President to be signed into law.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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The White House -- Will you share this?

The White HouseWednesday, June 27, 2012
Will you share this?
We've been talking to you about President Obama's plan to cut through the red tape keeping millions of responsible homeowners from refinancing their mortgages, but we want to make sure your friends get the message, too.
We've put together an graphic that boils the President's proposal down to the five things that everyone should know, and the information is all right here -- you don't even need to visit
Will you share it online or forward this email to your friends?
Refi: 5 Things You Should Know
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Tag: "White House"

The White House -- West Wing Week: "The Right Thing to Do"

The White HouseYour Daily Snapshot forFriday, June 29, 2012
West Wing Week: "The Right Thing to Do"
This week, the President spoke at the annual NALEO conference, hosted the Congressional Picnic and addressed the nation on the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act, while his administration announced grants for cities hiring veterans as police officers, and spoke with students about college affordability.
Check out this week’s edition of West Wing Week:
West Wing Week
In Case You Missed It
Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:
Supreme Court Upholds President Obama's Health Care Reform
The Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act – the health reform law President Obama signed two years ago, ensuring hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protecting every American from the worst insurance company abuses.
Natoma Canfield's Letter to President ObamaDuring the fight for health care reform, Natoma's letter reminded the President of all the Americans, all across the country, who have had to worry not only about getting sick, but about the cost of getting well.
White House Office Hours: The Affordable Care Act
Do you have questions about what the Affordable Care Act means for you and your family? In case you missed yesterday's office hours, read the conversation with Deputy Assistant to the President for Health Policy Jeanne Lambrew here.
Today's Schedule
All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9:20 AM: The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:25 AM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

10:40 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Colorado Springs, Colorado
1:55 PM: The President arrives Colorado Springs, Colorado

4:45 PM: The President departs Colorado Springs, Colorado en route Joint Base Andrews    

7:50 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews
8:05 PM: The President arrives the White House
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Tag: "White House"

PLEASURE: Creativity, LOL, & Much More


1.  To begin sharing with you some enjoyable email content which has been passing through my hands over the years -- along with gems found elsewhere.  The following is just the beginning.  I have a backlog of thousands.  I'll keep adding to this page, as I can -- all "GP-rated."  
2.  I have to start slowly, so it'll take some time to build up momentum in this side-project, but I thought you might appreciate my not waiting to start placing these in your hands.
3.  Eventually, the accumulation will have its own blog, which you will be able to easily reach from this City-Journal. (necessary since much material comes across, literally, rather than as hyperlinks) I hope you'll enjoy.  
4.  New material is added to top of each section (pushing older material down), so you can quickly see what's "new."

I do so enjoy the "internet revolution," which is unlocking, spreading, and inspiring so much human creativity, to help light the dark corners (although the very unhelpful mischief, we can do without).


1.  FUNNY (!?!) -- rated GP
Casket in the Elevator, 5/24/12
Latest Jokes from Readers Digest, 5/16/12
Funny medical acronyms (decoded!), outrageous laws and more -- Reader's Digest
Best Ventriloquist Ever -- Terry Fator
Laughterpedia: (The Laughter-to-English Dictionary)
Chuck Norris Facts
Saturday Night Live, Denzel Washington Impersonation at Macy's
Ultimate Dog Tease 
Funny Talking Animals - Best of
Ormie The Pig

2.  AMAZING (!)
Unbelievable Sand Painting Talent Before a Live Audience (8:33 min), added here 6/12/12
Beautiful Russian Kaleidoscope -- changes with mouse movements --WoW  (duration: stare)
Scale of the Observable Universe  [Scroll: Left=tiniest, Right=immense] (duration: browse)
Incredible Swedish Craftsman working the wood the old way (wow) (15:21 min) -- other great vids, too!
Fantastic Medical Animation (ghOst Productions 2009 Orthopedic Demo Reel) (5.2 min)
This amazing show was projected on the face of a building in Portugal (5:49 min)

3.  MILITARY (!)
Angel Flight, I'm Taking You Home (4:08)
Tuskegee Airman Found -- a story of amazing coincidences (7:15 min)
F-35B, sea-trials on USS Wasp (Amphibious Assault Ship) (3:05 min)

A Little Man With a Whole Lot of Heart (a very worthwhile 7:09 min)
Relaxation Music (Google search)
Self-Hypnosis Techniques (Google search)
Anger Management Techniques (Google search)
Tips for Better Days ... Because we only get one shot at this (beautiful & wise 3:35 min)

5.  HEALTH (!)
Physical Exercise (Google search)
Selection of Physical Exercise Videos (YouTube)
Health Accumulator (Health-links elsewhere in this blog)

6.  SPORTS (!)
600-lbs Sumo Vs 169-lbs MMA Fighter (5:49 min)

Tag: "Fun"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Senator Boxer -- A Victory for America`s Families

US Senator  Barbara Boxer
News from  Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
June 28, 2012
Dear Friend:
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act is a victory for America’s families, who deserve affordable health care.

The ruling is great news for the millions of Californians who have already seen the benefits of this law – including the six million who now have access to free preventive health services, 355,000 young adults who now have coverage on their parents’ health plans, and 320,000 seniors who have received help in paying for their prescription drugs.

Now Americans will have the certainty of knowing they won’t be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Women won’t be charged a higher premium because of their gender. And families struggling with serious illnesses will not face lifetime limits on coverage.

We will continue to fight Republican efforts to repeal these important health benefits while we work to make sure every American has access to quality, affordable health care.

To read more about how the Affordable Care Act will benefit you and your family, please click here and here.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

To respond to this message, please click here.  This link will take you to a webpage where you can reply to messages that you receive from Senator Boxer’s office.
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 Tag: "US Congress - California Delegation"

White House -- What Supreme Court ruling means for your health care

The White HouseThursday, June 28, 2012
What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care
Today, the Supreme Court issued a historic ruling: They upheld the Affordable Care Act and ensured that millions of American families will have access to health care and protection from the worst abuses of the insurance industry.
Lots of people have questions about the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court's decision, and their health care coverage. We've pulled together the most useful information -- including President Obama's remarks after the announcement -- at
Because the law has an impact on so many Americans, it's important to understand its basic parts. We've also put together a list of facts about the Affordable Care Act. Will you give it a read, and then pass it on?
Facts About Health Care Reform
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Tag: "White House"