Saturday, March 30, 2013

COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY REVIEW -- 5th District, Contra Costa County

Posted:  30 Mar 13

1.  Purpose

To provide a review of some of the recent developments under County government, with emphasis on the activities of 5th County District Supervisor Federal D. Glover.

There is so much going on as to be mind-boggling.  But, especially germane to many are the numerous NEW WELL-PAID JOB OPENINGS and voluntary (rewarding and resume-building) opportunities that are being generated here through the Federal, State, County, and local government partnership.  And, this is on top of the vigorous, highly practical, and effective support for the brave businesses here, from the very smallest to the largest -- in cooperation with the Chambers of Commerce and others.

2.  Background

Federal D. Glover is Supervisor, District Five, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors.  In January, he was installed, for the fourth time, as Chair of the Board of Supervisors.  District 5 jurisdiction includes:
  • Antioch (North)
  • Hercules
  • Martinez
  • Pinole (North)
  • Pittsburg 
  • Alhambra Valley
  • Bay Point
  • Briones
  • Clyde
  • Crockett
  • Mt. View
  • Pacheco
  • Port Costa
  • Reliez Valley
  • Rodeo
  • Tormey
  • Vine Hill

3.  Four District 5 "Town Hall Meetings" are scheduled for the unincorporated communities, all from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, as follows: (for more details, click here)
  • 4/2/Tue - Bay Point
  • 4/11/Thu - Pacheco
  • 4/24/Wed - Crockett
  • 4/25/Thu - Rodeo

4.  See the District 5 Winter/Spring 2013 Newsletter through this link.

5.  On Facebook

If you scroll down Supervisor Glover's Facebook page, you will find, among other things:
  • 3/28 - Groundbreaking of Berrellesa Palms senior affordable housing in downtown Martinez
  • 3/28 - Flyer for the April Town Hall meeting series
  • 3/28 - His reaction to Antioch City Council's recent decision concerning Governor Brown's program to return low-level offenders from state prison to county jurisdiction (AB 109)
  • 3/27 - AB-109 service providers bidders conference at Pittsburg City Hall - for May 15 funding awards
  • 3/26 - Exciting employment opportunities to fill OVER 200 full and part-time jobs with the County and the new Call Center
  • 3/25 - Invitation for volunteers to District 5 advisory positions
  • 3/25 - Bay Point water rates may go down
  • 3/25 - Orientation of Advisory councils and the Northern Waterfront Development Council
  • 3/19 - County ban on E-cigarettes
  • 3/19 - County awards Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Grant
  • 3/18 - Concord's Mt Diablo High School receives t-shirts, other items and strong support for Challenge Day event
  • Past photos of the recent County Youth Summit 2013 and a series of FB advisories leading up to the event
  • A very neat 36-second video clip showing the young attendees having a great time
  • Announcement of a Small Business Workshop put on by BART to explain exciting opportunities
  • Announcement of his call for an emergency meeting on the call-center issue
  • Crucial information about the "Public Safety Realignment's" shifting of certain felons from state to local custody
  • An award presented to the Supervisor by volunteer service organization, "Souljah's"
  • A statement about the priority of the Northern Waterfront Development Initiatve
  • A summary of his recent State and Washington, DC work involving Supervisor Mitchoff, Representatives Miller, Thompson, and McNerney -- and some excellent developments
  • Supervisor's commendation of citizens for the successful 2 March "Willow Creek Cleanup" in Bay Point
  • Fantastic photos of the Supervisor's recent trip to Washington
  • Comments on one Californian dealing with East Coast weather (brrr)
  • Assemblyman Jim Frazier's 2nd Annual Lobster & Pasta dinner in Antioch
  • Photos of the County's recent Grant Writing Workshop in Martinez
  • Even more insights into fascinating County business
And, when you find that you really, really like his FB page, click the good ol' "like" button to cheer great government in action -- and a special note at his website wouldn't hurt, either.  

Lucky us.

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Senator Boxer: Celebrating Cesar Chavez Day 3/31/13

Posted:  30 Mar 13

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:31 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote:(You can view the message online.)

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara Boxer,  United States Senator from California
March 29, 2013
Dear Friend:

On Sunday, March 31st, we will celebrate César Chávez Day and the 86th birthday of the late, great American labor leader.   For a schedule of Chávez Day events in your area, click here

César Chávez was born on March 31, 1927, on a small farm near Yuma, Arizona.  When his family lost the farm during the Great Depression and moved to California, César at age 10 became a migrant farm worker, laboring in fields and vineyards.  In 1946 he joined the U.S. Navy and served in the western Pacific.

César Chávez’s early experiences gave him the determination to create an organization to protect farm workers.  This organization developed into the United Farm Workers, the largest farm workers union in U.S. history.  As union president, Chávez worked to promote fair wages, medical coverage, pension benefits, and decent working conditions.  Though the fight for fairness and justice continues, thousands of farm workers today are able to live their lives with respect, dignity, and a decent wage.

César died in 1993 and became the second Mexican-American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.  In 2009, Congress passed my bill to rename a San Diego post office in his honor. And last October, President Obama established the César E. Chávez National Monument in Keene, California, at César’s home and final resting place (to read more, click here).

As we celebrate César Chávez Day, let us always remember his call for unity, equality, and justice for all Americans: Sí, se puede – yes, we can.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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Posted:  30 Mar 13

"No better friends, no worse enemies"
(Paraphrasing and pirating the Ancient Roman dictator, 
*Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix's epitaph, referring to himself)


To try to gather, in one convenient place, some of the world's artful word-clusters of great power which are among humankind's true "friends" -- and make them more easily accessible and memorable.  Words that tend to reach down deep inside and help us make sense of a world that can seem so senseless, without the aid of those who came before, who saw and felt things we might not otherwise notice -- and who took the time to carve them so we could find them (and would want to do so) -- if we but look for them -- and mine them for all they're worth.

I call this article an "accumulator," for I intend to keep adding to this, until there's no more room.  I'm just getting started.  Stand by.

I hope you will find, as I do, that these words can help us to further organize, rationalize, refine, understand, explain, adopt, and practice effective and sound world views, over the remaining course of life -- to great advantage.


By now, it should be abundantly clear to all that I am among those who love personal philosophy -- the methodical reasoning which governs all we ever consciously do to conduct our lives as best we can, under our unique circumstances -- our personal program for being a good human being. 

I believe the literature presented is self-explanatory and I will only add a few words of my own to help you to take advantage of this form of presentation, below, with which I am experimenting -- as I build the public service systems I'm determined to establish.

About the Presentation Tool

The interface, embedded below, should be pretty intuitive to use, with a little trial and error -- so I'll spare you a lot of unnecessary explanation.

I do think you will find it useful to know that the interface is powered by "TheBrain.Com." 
  • This very easy-to-use tool is basically available for life-time use, free of charge -- for a great many life-organizing tasks, beyond the simple usage here -- and, I strongly suspect you will never regret adopting it.  
  • It's free form is more than adequate for everyday life, but I needed a few extra "bells and whistles" from the paid version -- besides, I wanted to materially show its creators my deepest gratitude -- and plan to do even more.
  • I've been delighted with the free one for years and ecstatic over the paid version, for nearly as long.  There is a brilliant, good-hearted, and ingenious company behind this product.  
  • Do a quick download and see for yourselves.  (the "secret" is now out -- smile)
  • And please, if this helps you as much as I think it will, please let me know.  I'd like that very much.  Any comment box on any bulletin will reach me.

A Few Little Things to Notice

0.  First, take a quick look at the interface, below, then come back here.  The following instructions will make a lot more sense and be even easier to follow.

1.  When you click any word inside a box, any clickable sub-boxes become visible, below that box.

2.  When you click an icon inside the white "notes area" (below the blue water-drop image)  a page will open in your browser for your reading pleasure (or right in the "notes area").

3.  In the row at the very top of the interface:  Click the words there, to get to their location quickly, from anywhere (in case you become lost).

4.  The row at the very bottom of the interface lists every box you've clicked (sort of a running history), so you can quickly re-visit a place.  Notice the little scroll arrows at either end of that bottom row to help you move about, as the list grows.

I hope you will enjoy this little experiment
(I also hope everything runs smoothly for you -- but that's part of the experiment, you see -- I'm still working on it.  Suggestions, in the comment area at the very bottom of the article, would be appreciated)

*If you want an insight into the life and times of this fascinating, frightening man (Sulla) -- and much, much more -- you will enjoy Colleen ("The Thornbirds") McCullough's superb series of seven novels, "The Masters of Rome." I've read them, through-and-through, 10 times and counting.  They're THAT GOOD; so invaluable in understanding our world, with spell-binding time-travel through brutal, noble times (as the Roman Republic becomes an empire, circa 100 to 14 BCE) -- and much more, in my humbly enthusiastic opinion.  You could spend your time far worse than inside McCullough's version of reality -- for she makes a whole lot of life's puzzle-pieces fall together -- and turns many key personages and a pivotal period in world history into familiar territory.  A truly satisfying basis for understanding much that came before and after that time.

David Nelson 

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Friday, March 29, 2013

CC COUNTY: Supervisor Glover's Winter/Spring 2013 Newsletter

Posted:  29 Mar 13


To give you a convenient link (here it is) to the Supervisor's important quarterly advisory (a lot's been going on) and to provide a little synopsis to consider while you wait for the "pdf" to load.


The newsletter talks about:
  1. Communities served: Antioch, Hercules, Martinez, Pinole, Pittsburg * Alhambra Valley, Bay Point, Briones, Clyde, Crockett, Mt. View, Pacheco, Port Costa, Reliez Valley, Rodeo, Tormey,Vine Hill
  2. 2013: A Promising Year:
  3. Jobs, Call Center Coming:
  4. Northern Waterfront Area:
  5. Reintegrating into the Community:
  6. 2013 Youth Summit
  7. RotaCare Pittsburg Free Medical Clinic at St. Vincent de Paul
  8. Humanitarians feted at BOS ceremonies
  9. Health Services want defibrillators registered
  10. Supervisors Glover and Mitchoff sworn in
  11. Commission openings for District V
  12. Contra Costa County wins grant to combat domestic violence
  13. Are you a homeless veteran?  Supportive Services for veterans family program can help you
  14. Supervisors Glover and Mitchoff visit Washington D.C.
  15. Bay Point selected by prestigious program
  16. Contra Costa County Employment Opportunities
  17. Obesity a major concern of county residents
  18. Grand Jury seeks members
  19. Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch -- April 2013 flyer
  20. Community Calendar
  21. Supervisor schedules 4 town halls
  22. Government Meetings calendar
  23. Contact us
  24. Ways to stay in touch with Supervisor Glover

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

The White House - The most powerful moment you'll watch all day

Posted:  29 Mar 13

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 3:54 PM, David Simas, The White House <> wrote:

The White House, Washington 

Hey everybody --
This morning, President Obama talked about the tragedy in Newtown, which happened 104 days ago, and brought a room to silence with a simple point:
"The entire country was shocked," he said. "And the entire country pledged we would do something about it and that this time would be different. Shame on us if we've forgotten. I haven't forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we've forgotten."
He was in the East Room, standing with a group of mothers who have lost children to gun violence. He was pushing Congress to act on common-sense steps to help protect our kids by reducing that kind of violence. Measures like eliminating background check loopholes that an overwhelming majority of Americans support.
"Right now, 90 percent of Americans -- 90 percent -- support background checks that will keep criminals and people who have been found to be a danger to themselves or others from buying a gun. More than 80 percent of Republicans agree. More than 80 percent of gun owners agree. Think about that. How often do 90 percent of Americans agree on anything?"
You've got to watch this video -- and then forward this message along to make sure no one forgets the obligation we all have to act.
Watch: President Obama speaks on gun violence
David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House
Visit Whitehouse.Gov

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111 

Senator Boxer: Reducing the Backlog of VA Disability Claims

Posted:  29 Mar 13

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 5:57 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote: (You can view the message online.)

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from  Barbara Boxer, United States Senator from California
March 28, 2013
Dear Friend:

Today I led a bipartisan group of Senators in writing to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to express our deep concern over the lengthy wait that our disabled veterans are enduring to get the benefits they need and deserve. We urged the Department of Defense to work more effectively with the Department of Veterans Affairs to help end these long delays and give our disabled veterans the care worthy of their sacrifice. To read more, please click here.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

To respond to this message, please click here.  This link will take you to a webpage where you can reply to messages that you receive from Senator Boxer’s office.
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Yes, please periodically send me e-mail updates.*

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*By subscribing to my
e-mail updates, you are authorizing me to send regular e-mail updates from my office to your e-mail account.


Events and Meaning: HAPPY EASTER 2013!!

Posted:  29 Mar 13


To gather, in one place, some general and local information which may prove helpful during (and beyond) the upcoming special weekend.

General References and Events

Understanding the Significance (Wikipedia excerpt)

Easter (also called the Pasch or Pascha) is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament.

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

CONFLICT RESOLUTION -- Community Mediation Training (3/21 - 5/30/13)

Posted:  15 Feb 13

---> Link to CHD website

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Conflict Resolution Programs (CRP) <> wrote:
CHD Banner
CRP Community Mediation Training 2013
Thursday March 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM PDT
Thursday May 30, 2013 at 9:00 PM PDT

Pittsburg Adult School
1151 Stoneman Avenue
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Driving Directions
Dear Citizen,

Are you a natural peacemaker?
Do others say you're a great listener
or problem solver?
Do you resolve conflicts at your job?
Would you like to sharpen your effective communication skills?
Conflict Resolution Programs is pleased
to announce our annual:
  Community Mediation Training
Thursday evenings, 6pm - 9pm
March 21 - May 30, 2013
(no class meeting April 4)
Pittsburg Adult School
1151 Stoneman Avenue
Pittsburg, CA 94565
In this highly-interactive 30-hour course, you will gain skills:
  • Handling workplace conflict more effectively
  • Negotiating and mediating disputes
  • Listening so others are more willing to speak to you
  • Speaking so others are more willing to listen to you
  • Handling difficult people and situations
  • Understanding anger and how to deal with it
Participants will learn the structure, design, and practice of dispute resolution and its use as a problem solving technique. Trainees will gain skills in problem identification and disagreement management, plus strategies for achieving agreement/settlement. This course will focus on such cases as neighbors, family, workplace, relationship, landlord/tenant, customer/merchant, real estate, and other community disputes. Trainees will practice acquired skills throughout the program. Upon satisfactory completion, students will receive a Certificate of Completion and are eligible to apply as volunteer community mediators with CRP.
This course follows the California Dispute Resolution Act (DRPA) approved curriculum. Successful completion of this training is the first step to joining our volunteer mediator panels.
Register Now!
Registration is $350/person. Early bird discount: $300/person until March 11. Discounts are available for ADR-NC members, non-profit employees, and groups registering 2 or more at the same time.
30 CEUs are available for LMFT, LPCC, LEP, and LCSW. Additional $40 processing fee is required.
Current CRP volunteers are welcome to attend at 50% off the standard fee.
Contact us for more information.
Adele Cox
Center for Human Development - CRP
Center for Human Development | 391 Taylor Blvd, Suite 120 | 925-687-8844x301 | Pleasant Hill | CA | 94523

Senator Boxer: Women and Immigration Reform

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 5:15 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote:  (You can view the message online.)

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara Boxer,  United States Senator from California
March 21, 2013
Dear Friend:

This week I was proud to join with labor and civil rights leader Dolores Huerta, immigrant women, and advocates from across the country to urge Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the needs of women and their families.

To read my blog post about the event, please click here.  To see photos from the event, click here.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

To respond to this message, please click here.  This link will take you to a webpage where you can reply to messages that you receive from Senator Boxer’s office.
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Yes, please periodically send me e-mail updates.*

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*By subscribing to my
e-mail updates, you are authorizing me to send regular e-mail updates from my office to your e-mail account.


Senator Boxer: Protecting and Strengthening Medicare

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:31 PM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote: (You can view the message online.

US Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara  Boxer, United States Senator from California
March 21, 2013
Dear Friend:

Today I spoke on the Senate floor about keeping our promises to seniors by passing a budget that protects Medicare. To watch my speech, please click here.

The Senate Democratic budget preserves and protects Medicare so that it is strong for seniors today and will be there for our children and grandchildren.  The House GOP budget put forward by Paul Ryan offers a different vision.  It would end the Medicare promise and leave seniors paying almost $6,000 more out of pocket every year for the health care they need.

A budget is more than just numbers on a spreadsheet – it is a statement of values.  That’s why the contrast between the Senate Democratic budget and the Ryan budget couldn’t be more important.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

To respond to this message, please click here.  This link will take you to a webpage where you can reply to messages that you receive from Senator Boxer’s office.
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Yes, please periodically send me e-mail updates.*

Click Here

*By subscribing to my
e-mail updates, you are authorizing me to send regular e-mail updates from my office to your e-mail account.

52 Disaster Tactics: SURVIVE ANYTHING!! Popular Mechanics -- 4/13

Posted:  21 Mar 13


To be sure you're aware of the latest edition of Popular Mechanics magazine and an extremely helpful 10-page DISASTER READINESS article there, from page 54 of the printed version.  And, of course, there are all sorts of digital versions -- plus an incredible array of other useful mobile apps.


I just received my latest copy of the printed version and this caught my immediate attention.  As usual, it's well-written and -organized, and is filled with practical tips that could make all the difference -- about disasters and much else.  In this hazardous world, this is something NOT to be missed.

I investigated to see what was available for free and if they made this particular material available on-line.  It is available for a very reasonable fee -- they are a business, after all.  And, considering all the pleasure and practical knowledge they regularly provide, a subscription is worth many, many times the cost.  I've been a happy subscriber for years (most of my life, from childhood).

At least, pick up this issue

Useful Links, etc.

Here's a Google search link to see the various writings about the magazine
You may visit the site at this link to see tons of stories, including other disaster writings
You may visit their Facebook page at this link

You may enroll as a member of the site for free
You may subscribe to the various editions and formats at a tremendous savings

It's hard to think of a better nor more timely investment -- well, kinda hard.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.