Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rep. George Miller -- Another Tax Break for the Wealthy

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:

Just moments ago, Republicans voted for another tax break for the wealthiest Americans. Tax cuts for the rich and famous that will cost $46 billion in just one year, and that would be paid for completely by increasing the deficit. 
I am NOT kidding you.
Their bill means that people like this would get another $58,000 in their pockets.

Meanwhile, guess who’s being asked to pay more?
People like this.

Recent college grads just months out of school will see interest rates on certain student loans double – double! -- if Congress doesn’t act soon, hiking loan payments up an additional $1,000 for every year of school.
At that rate, 58 young Americans getting started in the work-world who are working their tails off to make ends meet and pay for an education, will be paying for Donald Trump’s $58,000 tax break.
Again, I am NOT kidding you.
That’s the deal -- $1,000 more in borrowing costs for students and their parents or their grandparents, versus another $58,000 tax giveaway to the rich and famous.  Brought to you by Republicans in Congress who refuse to fix the student loan interest rate but just voted -- again -- to cut taxes again for the wealthiest Americans and increase the deficit.
Congress should be standing up for the middle class, college students, and seniors, not doling out tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires who don’t need it.
Stand with the middle class – join me on Facebook.

Member of Congress

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