Friday, April 6, 2012

From State Assembly Member Bonilla

From State Assembly Member, 11th Assembly District, 
Susan A. Bonilla

Here Are the Latest News, Committes and Bills 

For More Information, Please See Her Web Site

Wednesday, March 28 2012

East Bay school districts forge ahead with transitional kindergarten programs.

California's migration to transitional kindergarten hit a roadblock when Gov. Jerry Brown proposed its elimination in January, but advocates are pushing forward, bolstered by a recent legislative committee's rejection of his plan and a new promise of state funding.
Although California's budget remains in flux, Oakley, Livermore, Oakland, Antioch and Byron districts in the East Bay plan to provide the specialized kindergarten programs for youngsters who turn 5 after Nov. 2."We're excited about it," said Stephanie Anello, Antioch's associate superintendent of educational services. "It's a great opportunity for some children who might not be ready (for kindergarten)."
Wednesday, March 07 2012

Assembly panel rejects Brown's cuts in college aid

An Assembly subcommittee on Wednesday rejected Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to trim state-funded college scholarships known as CalGrants, two days after thousands protested budget cuts at the Capitol.

Students packed the hearing in opposition to the cuts, which lawmakers said could "disenfranchise" those seeking college degrees.
Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla (D-Martinez), who chairs the education finance subcommittee, said the vote is a signal to Brown to "go back and find the cuts somewhere else. We're drawing a line."
Thursday, January 19 2012

REDEVELOPMENT: Bill aims to save agencies improving former bases

A state Assembly plan to continue revamping ex-military bases
could be expanded to Inland sites
SACRAMENTO — Redevelopment agencies focused on bringing new businesses and other projects to decommissioned military bases could keep operating if legislation taking shape in the Capitol becomes law.
Last month, the California Supreme Court upheld a state law ending redevelopment but voided a second measure that created an alternative program that would have allowed local governments to continue redevelopment if they paid more money to the state.
Wednesday, November 02 2011

New law excuses school absences related to deployment

Quality time with family prior to and after deployment is essential to maintaining a parent-child bond during deployment. Whether the quality time means a special day trip, hanging out at a local park or taking part in family readiness group activities, this time is valuable to a military-connected family.
With this essential quality time in mind, California’s governor has recently signed a bill allowing schools to excuse absences due to deployment-related absences. Though schools are not required to excuse absences, this bill allows schools to receive state apportionment payments by deeming them as absences in computing average daily attendance.
Wednesday, October 26 2011

Science Teachers are Students for a Day at Energy Conference

Science teachers from eight school districts sharpened their teaching skills, got free Science of Energy kits and good ideas for science games at a daylong conference to bolster science and math curriculum.
The Contra Costa Regional Energy Workshop was presented by the National Energy Education Project, Inc. (NEED). California Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla opened the event, with brief remarks relating to her recent appointment as chair of California's Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Task Force.
Wednesday, August 17 2011

Assemblywoman Bonilla Co-Authors Parole Bill

State representatives in Sacramento today introduced a parole reform bill inspired by the Jaycee Dugard case.
Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D-Concord, State Sen. Ten Gaines, R-Rosevilleand Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley announced the "The Parole Reform Act of 2011" to address what they see as problems with the current parole system.
Wednesday, August 17 2011

East Bay assemblywoman co-authors parole bill inspired by Jaycee Dugard

Seeking to draw lessons from the Jaycee Dugard case, State Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, D-Concord, has co-authored a bill to broaden the information the state parole board can consider when evaluating whether to release an inmate.
She will speak alongside Sen. Ted Gaines, R—Roseville, and Assemblywoman Alyson Huber, D-El Dorado Hills, in Sacramento at a Wednesday morning news conference announcing the bill, the "Parole Reform Act of 2011."
Thursday, July 14 2011

New State Law Adds Mental Health Rep on Truancy Boards

Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday signed a bill from Assemblywoman Susan A. Bonilla, D-Concord, addressed at policies on truant students.
The bill requires the addition of a mental health representative on School Attendance Review Boards that work with truants. Now, the SARBs have experts, including social workers, teachers and law enforcement, but no mental health representative.
Friday, July 08 2011

Susan Bonilla emerges from California budget wars with her humanity intact

Contra Costa Council
"Candid and captivating" is how one audience member described Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla's July 8 luncheon presentation to a large Contra Costa Council audience at the Hilton Concord. The new representative to California's 11th Assembly District had a lot to say about the difficult and fractured budgeting process, which entangled the California legislature for the past few months.
The day was also historic for Bonilla, whose first bill, AB 614, was signed into law that morning by Governor Brown. (The legislation requires that a representative of school, county, or community mental health personnel be appointed to a county school attendance review board.)
Bonilla said she was honored to be serving in the Assembly and that most of her new colleagues are "great, good-hearted people." She and her fellow members disagreed strongly with the governor on how the budget process should occur, she said. "There should have been a legitimate back-up plan, a plan B," she asserted. Bonilla wishes that less time had been wasted before agreement was finally reached so there would have been more time to understand the budget that was actually passed.
Bonilla believes the California economy is "slowly coming back," and the intent of government is to have structures in place when the economy does revive. She recommended a visit to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office website to learn more about the budget and California's financial picture.
Sunday, June 26 2011

Foster children struggle with identify theft

Four years after Sacramento County Child Protective Services removed Katrina Haywood from her mother's abusive grip, the woman still has managed to stand in the way of her daughter entering college, finding a job or paying for the roof over her head.
Haywood, 18, has spent the past two months starting to clean up a mess that foster care workers say she couldn't have prevented.
Page 1


Primary jurisdictions of the Elections, Redistricting, and Constitutional Amendments Committee are elections, and redistricting.
Primary jurisdictions are health care, Medi-Cal, mental health licensing of health and health-related professionals, and long term health care facilities.
Primary jurisdictions are Transit Authority, California Highway Patrol, vehicles, aircraft, and vessels; operation, licensing and registration, and drivers licenses.

A total of 43 bills were found in the Session (please see her web site)

Results for page 1 of 5   (Max 10 documents per page).
1. AB 224 - Bonilla
          * School accountability: Academic Performance I
2. AB 240 - Bonilla
          * Compensation recovery actions: liquidated dam
3. AB 339 - Bonilla
          * Instructional materials: social content revie
4. AB 364 - Bonilla
          * Restitution: asset seizures: fraud and embe
5. AB 387 - Bonilla
          * Pupils: excused absences: military deployment
6. AB 443 - Bonilla
          * Education programs: California Summer Science
7. AB 461 - Bonilla
          * Write-in candidates.
8. AB 502 - Bonilla
          * Land use: general plan: housing element.
9. AB 522 - Bonilla
          * Vacation of public streets, highways, and pub
10. AB 614 - Bonilla
          * School attendance review boards: member compo


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